Topic: Dinosaur Alert  (Read 2531 times)

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Offline Dracho

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Dinosaur Alert
« on: April 01, 2012, 12:58:01 am »
So, maybe I'm the last guy on the planet to do this, but I finally broke down and bought a Kindle (Kindle Touch for $99), and wow.. this is pretty cool.   I'd been reading eBooks with the Kindle and Nook apps on my Smartphone and PC, but with the Kindle I get an @kindle email address and can now check out eBooks from the Public Library!  For Free!  Same with music.

Check it out for 7 or 14 days, read or listen to it (up to 10 items) and goes away when its time to check it in.  They support all sorts of eReader formats, I just preferred the Kindle.

Pretty cool.
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Offline Kreeargh

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Re: Dinosaur Alert
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2012, 01:07:24 am »
Please dont make us anti crap tec poeple feel guilty or worse cause we dont want to buy crap in a can or a box. Where is that damn matrix plugin that is what i need right?   ;D  If i buy it im evil flame wars on the energy used.  No win if you public buy it. It waist energy! How bout FORCE IT comeone matrix plugin? Anyone?
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Offline Dracho

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Re: Dinosaur Alert
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2012, 01:14:22 am »
Please dont make us anti crap tec poeple feel guilty or worse cause we dont want to buy crap in a can or a box. Where is that damn matrix plugin that is what i need right?   ;D

Honestly, I felt the same way (which is ironic considering my line of work), but the eInk display is what won me over.  It doesn't tire my eyes like looking at a screen.. reading books on my android phone was like staring at a computer screen all day.  I also like being able to make the text bigger instead of hunting for my reading glasses.  :)

If it is any consolation I borrowed a tablet PC and hated Windows 7 on it (God that OS is not designed for touch screens, but maybe I'll give Metro a view when the time comes) and bought an Android tablet that I kept for a weekend before returning it.. because my phone did everything it did, only faster.
The worst enemy of a good plan is the dream of a perfect plan.  - Karl von Clausewitz

Offline Kreeargh

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Re: Dinosaur Alert
« Reply #3 on: April 01, 2012, 02:32:43 am »
Giive me my jetpack called for in 1964 world fair please!!! I would be happy with that alone. This tec now is an issue as its everchangeing. 
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Re: Dinosaur Alert
« Reply #4 on: April 01, 2012, 10:47:09 am »
I do like my Kindle.  The E-Ink screen is a good tech.  It takes no energy to hod an image on screen and only a little to change it.  Battery can last for more then a month (me not so long as I read alot).

my eyes like the screen better then a back lit one.  I still do books, can;t beat holding a real book, but the price of e-books can be alot cheaper (I have been picking up tech books for about half the price). 
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Offline NJAntman

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Re: Dinosaur Alert
« Reply #5 on: April 03, 2012, 09:27:19 am »
Dad bought mom a kindle Touch last week and I set it up for her, at 72 she can just about remember where the router is let alone the network id & password. Also impressed by the image display; setup was damn easy and I've turned her loose on the public library.
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