Topic: Interesting scanner bug/feature in 2.036  (Read 2109 times)

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Offline TarMinyatur

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Interesting scanner bug/feature in 2.036
« on: July 24, 2012, 02:23:40 pm »
I was surprised to find evidence of SFB's scanners in SFC. Indeed, with shiplist.txt tinkering, the combat modifier for damaged scanners can be detected. A ship with solely center warp can take damage on scanners readily, like the F-DD. (Most ships' right and left warp engines and bridges completely protect scanners/sensors on the DAC, so we don't see the effects of scanner damage in typical combat.)

As scanner damage accumulates, a range penalty is imposed that increases from 1 to 9.

Specifically like this: 0, 1, 3, 5, 9
Just like SFB. Pretty neat! So disruptors, for example, fired from range 15 are calculated at range 16 for a slightly damaged scanner. Quite a difference for a precise saber dancer.

A Scanner entry of "3" works well, but something very weird happens for shiplist.txt scanner entries greater than 3. (Most ships have a 5 or 6.)

After exhaustive testing with an AI opponent armed with PPD's, here's the penalty summary for scanner 4,5,and 6:

What does -99 mean? It is a range bonus! A Ph2 fired from range 49 will do 5 or 6 damage. A Disruptor fired from range 30 will do 5 damage. It's wild. Maybe this was a programmer's sense of humor? Practically, most ships are highly crippled before their scanners are hit for an 8th time. Why not give them a brief mystical bonus before they explode?

Scanner entry "7" (found on K-C7) is weirder. It goes:

That means it can suffer a severe range penalty of 22. In that case, disruptors never do more than 2, and they simply cannot hit beyond range 8 (for a Dis3).

The C7, for example, then gets a range bonus of 7. Disruptors will do 5 points at range 0-8, and 4 points at range 9-11, and 3 points at range 12-22.

Scanner entry "8" (found on F-BCE) is odder:

Which means it ends up with a +99 penalty. It can't do any damage. From invincible to feeble in one volley.

This is in 2.036. I don't know about Orion Pirates.

Of course, sensors/scanners can be repaired. But why fix a broken scanner if it is providing an effective range of zero?

My Ancient Era Mod that I'm working on, makes scanner/sensor damage far more prominent, so I stumbled across what I call a bug. 

Offline Javora

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Re: Interesting scanner bug/feature in 2.036
« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2012, 07:47:11 pm »
Do you have SFC OP?  Is there anyway you can compare the two files?  If not, than I maybe able to help if I can get some free time.

Offline TarMinyatur

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Re: Interesting scanner bug/feature in 2.036
« Reply #2 on: July 28, 2012, 11:19:58 am »
I don't have OP.

Javora, if you strip a ship of L/R Warp and Hull, it will take scanner hits rapidly. Set sensors to "1" in the shiplist to make them invulnerable. Fire disruptors at range 15, 12, 10, 6 to see the transition from 3 damage to 2 damage. Youi'll need a human helper...or you can use an immobile (Turn mode "H") AI-controlled ship with no shields and just enough power to charge a PPD (6 APR) and about 50 Armor and  50 Hull for padding.

Offline Javora

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Re: Interesting scanner bug/feature in 2.036
« Reply #3 on: July 29, 2012, 07:51:28 am »
Unfortunately I don't have time for all of that right now.  I can install OP on my WinXP system and look up the contents of a file for you but right now that's about all I can offer.  I also still have the manuals for both SFC II and SFC OP (might have SFC III as well) so I can look things up there if someone has a question.