Topic: Starfleet Command Community Guild for Guild Wars 2  (Read 2821 times)

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Starfleet Command Community Guild for Guild Wars 2
« on: August 21, 2012, 05:19:42 am »
Recently, the idea of a Community Guild for the SFC community was posed to me to help bring together some of the long-lost friends.
With the popularity of Guild Wars 2 we're throwing together a guild just before launch.

All members of the SFC community are welcome for levelling, pvp, and fun times.

The guild will be on Sorrow's Furnace, which was heavy into pvp warzones and raiding in the GW2 Beta, and we expect it to be one of the go-to servers again for launch.

More information will become available within the next couple days and can be found on the resurrected boards that scratch ran years ago. He'll be bringing them back for the guild and the community in general predictably at

although currently only the link is up, that will change.

Feel free to stop in and say hello.

As it's a community thing, we'll also be taking ideas for a Guild Name that's currently undecided.

Come one come all, hang out, have fun, and lets kill each other again like old times.

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Re: Starfleet Command Community Guild for Guild Wars 2
« Reply #1 on: August 21, 2012, 09:03:16 am »
It'll be about a month still, before I grab the game, But I think this is a wonderful idea.

Kudos to you sir.

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Re: Starfleet Command Community Guild for Guild Wars 2
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2012, 12:51:48 pm »
Scratch has gotten the kinks worked out of and the site is up.

Anyone playing Guild Wars 2 please feel free to head over and say hello, we've got 3 days until launch (6 days for those who didn't prepurchase) and we need to pick a guild name.

Don't mind the theme, Scratch was under the gun since he left on vacation today so he just threw a quick and dirty theme up.

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Re: Starfleet Command Community Guild for Guild Wars 2
« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2012, 05:16:09 pm »
What did you all use for D&D Online...  Knights of the Sippy-cup or something like that??!?  Why not go with something like that unless you want to go Trekie like the Neutral Zone or whatnot.

I what to get involved with this but time is an issue for me right now.  Plus I may have to upgrade or buy a new system for this game.  If you get a chance post screen shots if you can.  Thanks.


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Re: Starfleet Command Community Guild for Guild Wars 2
« Reply #4 on: August 23, 2012, 03:19:43 pm »
I don't think Section 31/IKS ever played D and D.  But we did play Guild Wars and we had a guild Keepers of the Old Order.

We might wind up using that but the idea was the Guild Wars 2 guild was a community guild, and as such, wasn't specifically a S31/IKS guild, so we wanted to avoid using our old guild name.
Haven't gotten too many ideas so far so it might get used again but...meh. We'll see.

We've seen some interest on facebook for the community guild, but only a few members have signed up on the puterz boards. So we'll see. Game hasn't launched yet so maybe we'll get more activity then.

Another idea that had been tossed about was a name that honored a fallen SFC community member, Kilogg, who passed away a few months ago at 38.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2012, 04:27:51 am by S31Ender »

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Re: Starfleet Command Community Guild for Guild Wars 2
« Reply #5 on: August 26, 2012, 05:42:00 pm »
What did you all use for D&D Online...  Knights of the Sippy-cup or something like that??!?  Why not go with something like that unless you want to go Trekie like the Neutral Zone or whatnot.

I what to get involved with this but time is an issue for me right now.  Plus I may have to upgrade or buy a new system for this game.  If you get a chance post screen shots if you can.  Thanks.

You don't need screen shots and it is flawed game made by flawed designers it is beyond perfection.Guild Wars 1 beta tester.


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Re: Starfleet Command Community Guild for Guild Wars 2
« Reply #6 on: August 26, 2012, 11:27:11 pm »
Age. It's okay that you don't like the game. Also, you are a longtime member of so this is kinda your domain whereas I never really hung out around this site, so I'd like to ask in a respectful manner. I'd just like to ask you that if you personally aren't fond of the game, please just leave it be rather than go to every Trek board and repeat  how the game is bad in each of my threads. We're trying to do something fun and positive in a game that we've heard a lot of old trek guys have been thinking of playing.

Thank you

In other news. The game has launched and it was a (mostly) smooth launch.

Guild name has been chosen to represent three things
1) The fallen SFC community such as Kilogg and a few others that have since passed away
2) The GW1 heroes that we played as have been dead for 250 years and with the Hall of Monuments legacy system, our new heroes (can be) are the descendants of our previous heroes from that game.
3) You'll notice the guild tags say [SFC], the same as the moniker for the Starfleet Command games where we hail from.

A few bugs here and there, but even on day one the servers were only down for an hour or so. (I was on Sorrow's Furnace server). Graphically it's a very pleasing game to look at, and I was surprised at the framerates people are getting off of older machines.
For those running NVidia cards, updating to the latest 374.79 BETA drivers drastically improve framerates (I went from 55-80fps to 70-160fps). WvW (World vs World) pits each SERVER up against the other servers in the same country and seems to be pretty interesting.
For those of you who aren't familiar with the design of Guild Wars 2, they are taking an unusual approach and are attempting to remove the Tank/DPS/Healer trio that is in every MMO. In fact, they've removed "healers" completely, which was one of the reasons the Monk class from GW1 isn't in GW2. At lower levels it's made a very smooth and enjoyable play with the right balance of the danger of death and survivability even without dedicated heals. However, I haven't seen it at higher levels in dungeons yet. I'm a heavy World of Warcraft player, and yet I can see already this seems to be a great alternative, especially for the casual folks who don't want a Pay to Play model game. GW1 and World of Warcraft existed together peacefully for years as both very successful games and I think there's a spot for GW2 in that mix.
Every MMO at launch (and to be honest in it's first year) has always been rough around the edges, (hell...SWTOR didn't even have guild banks........)and this one seems to be fairly well polished. Some things are pretty obvious that they will need to be tweaked, but nothing stands out as "omg I can't believe they didn't think of this" glaring errors.

All in all it'll be interesting to see how it works out long term. GW1 was an awesome game that really needed more technology (persistant worlds, open roaming, different party management) and GW2 seems to have provided it. Now lets see how well they can tweak it.

For anyone interested in joining us, it's an open guild for all SFC community members.

Survivors of Fallen Champions [SFC]
Sorrow's Furnace Server

Feel free to say hello.
« Last Edit: August 26, 2012, 11:50:08 pm by S31Ender »

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Re: Starfleet Command Community Guild for Guild Wars 2
« Reply #7 on: August 28, 2012, 04:25:06 pm »
Ender.I do like the orignal GW as it has all the elements of GW.GW2 however doesn't even the place names have changed and some of the professions are no more.Arenanet didn't think about those who put a lot of time into those characters to see them not show up in GW2.I have over 1000hrs on my Monk and there is no Monk in GW2 the guardian just doesn't cut it as magic class blue Wammo yes.Arenanet has short-changed the community which they are famous for.

I am merely stating the truth and you could have posted this over at STG.

How come you aren't playing Star Trek Online since it went free and my condolences on Kilogg?We over at STG don't even know about this.