Topic: Legal Notice  (Read 1322 times)

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Offline Brush Wolf

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Legal Notice
« on: March 26, 2012, 06:07:13 pm »
On Saturday a group of us got together for a game of Six Gun Sound Blaze of Glory western gunfight miniatures rules from 2 Hour Wargames. John had the four members of the gang, Chip had four in the marshals posse, Jerry had four members of the Pinkertons, Dick had three Comancheros, and I had four very desperate  and starving trappers. Basically everyone wanted the bad guys or the money they stole with the bad guys trying to get away. Everyone had something special about their mission. Well, once the smoke cleared there were three posse members, one trapper, and two Comancheros. I got the following from the Comanchero player today and I think you good folks will get a kick out of it.


    This is to give notice to all parties involved that lawyers  representing the Comancheros Benevolent Association (CBA)  intend to file suit vs. the American Citizens Lawman’s Union (ACLU). This suit is also filed on behalf of  the American Society of Pinkertons  Collective Association, (ASPCA), and  People Engaged in Trapping Animals ( PETA).
   This suit will prove excessive violence, and cruelty, beyond what is allowed in the code of the west on the part of an ACLU member in a recent incident in the Oklahoma territories.

   The brutality witnessed by 2 of our CBA members has so traumatized them that they have been unable to return to work.
Damages, and compensation, for lost wages, and stress will be pursued.

   The Society Of Bandits (SOB)  is invited to join the suit on condition that a certified SOB  deliver a copy of this notice to the involved ACLU member.   


A. Parisight
I am alright, it is the world that is wrong.