but move the pho-torps to the Neck and move the warp engine forward a little more
also this in both double and single engine versions
i have made a linear warp prototype engine Akula for A2, changeing it into a single-engine Saladin version would be no problem and i made a Monoceros model with two engines to.
don't have ever seen a single engine Monoceros version
if their quality is enough for you, i would be proud to give them somone willing to convert them to SFC versions.
Terradyhne these are so very close All you have to do is Move the Photon Torpedos on the Saladin to the Neck positon
and add a second turbolift to the bridge.
Yes well for the Monoceros all you would do is move the engine to the saucer centerline and put a support strut on each
side of the engine. Keep the current look of the support stuts that you have in your model.