I'm going to take this announcement with a very big grain of salt - the only bit of news out there is that above press release on "Hollywood reporter"; at the very least it'll be years until we see this I bet. And while I share the concern over comparisons to the redo of "V," it'll really depend on who the company gets to produce it. Then again, the guy spearheading this, Jace Hall, is mostly a videogame producer... but had nothing to do with "Bionic Woman, 2007."
Interestingly, the name "Space: 2099" was used by a fan/professional who was "enhancing" the episodes, recutting them to make them move faster and to take out now-outdated references to the year 1999, moving it up a century. His site for this
http://www.space2099.com:80/space-2099-tes#!__space-2099-tes is now connected to his push for a sequel series,
http://www.space2099.com/legacy#!__legacy, but there's nothing on his page (or the ITV site) that links his project with the HDFilms remake.
And a small factual error above - there were only 2 seasons ("series" to you Brits) of 24 eps each. Wouldn't want someone out there looking for something that didn't exist
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space:_1999While some of the FX people from 1999 did work on "Alien" and "Empire Strikes back," they used wildly different filmmaking techiniques; "1999" using very old-school technique and not the motion cameras used by ILM in Star Wars. Although I've read the original Millenium Falcon was too similar to the Eagle for Lucas, who had a new model built.
Completely different studios, production companies, writing staff, working 12+ years later.... Any similarities between 1999 and TNG are coincidental at best. Wasn't it Plato who said there were only like 9 plots to all stories? Mebbe even less in scifi