Topic: Please forgive me but, This could possibly be the dumbest question ever  (Read 7687 times)

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Offline Javora

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SFC runs on native windows 8 , gentlemen. Nothing we have to do to it, and we've damn near updated the codebase to V2010.

We've actually got a new engine if we want, there's a lot of stuff we're thinking about doing right now.

So ... don't give up just yet.


Which SFC are you referring to, SFC 2 or OP?  Interesting stuff, what game engine do you have access to?  I was wondering if the engine is open source or not.  Looks like you are staying away from Tablet apps since you are talking about Win 8.  Thanks.

Offline Strat

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SFC:OP will run on Windows 8 the same as it runs on Vista and 7. Dynaverse will not work.

SFC:EAW CE will run on Vista/7/8 fully. It will not be made to run on tablets, perhaps except Windows 8 tablets. But will not be optimized for that platform at this time (if ever).

Offline Javora

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Wow, thanks for the quick reply.  Are you only focusing on EAW.  If so are there going to be any ship configs from the OP in the CE update?  I'm thinking Fed FFL+ and such or are you looking at totally customizable ships like in SFC 3?  I loved the game but never got into the add on stuff that FireSoul and others put out.

Offline Strat

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Pretty much shiplist is mod stuff the community can do. We will be focusing on fixes to the program itself, stuff the community can't do. There will be a basic shiplist update. Nothing really beyond that.

We can only work on SFC: EAW so we'll be focusing on that.

Offline Strat

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Some of that may be possible in the future by devs, but not by the community as a moddable option.

Sorry, its a patch for SFC EAW, not SFC4. ;)