Topic: We Need Your Prayers  (Read 4599 times)

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Offline TheJudge

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We Need Your Prayers
« on: September 24, 2008, 12:26:38 am »
Over the years this board has been a lot of things to a lot of people, and I've always been grateful to have been involved in this community.  Tonight I needed to vent a little bit and feel the comfort of friends.  There are other boards that I'm active on that could do that, but unfortunately my partner is a member there and would see the message I typed.  I'm not trying to hide it from him for some awful reason, just because right now I have to be strong for him and can't show the weakness I am feeling where he can see it and have it affect him.

A few weeks ago I mentioned that my partner has Leukemia and was beginning treatment.  That is the source of what I'm feeling right now and while I know I could talk to Steve (Sir God) and a few others over the phone, I've been on the phone all day and actually need to type it all out for now (no offense guys!).  So, why don't I start at the beginning?

Robert and I have been together as a couple for three years now, and I have never had a happier life.  The fact that we both work in politics, enjoy computer games, and get along well has only added a depth and wonderfulness to our relationship that I have never experienced before.  I've done a lot of things in my life, and a lot of guys, but with Robert's it's been about more than being gay, it's been about being together and having a richer, more full together than I ever dreamed of having. 

Now, Robert's always been a little on the sickly side of things.  He has had very bad allergies since he was a kid, and there are weeks where he can barely function when they get real bad.  It's not unusual for him, on the weekends, to get up for a few hours and then go take a nap.  When he comes home from work, he likes to take a 30 minute nap before dinner or other evening activities.  This has been a part of our life and something we worked around. 

Beginning about six months ago things started to change.  We had those real bad fires out here where the smoke blanketed Sacramento for weeks on end.  His allergies were off the scale. Naps became very necessary for him to have the energy to get work done.  Worse, he started having joint aches every now and then. 

Still, the fires ended and he got better a bit.  He was still taking more frequent naps, and with bad allergies, feeling weak a lot more.  He also began losing weight, but kept on mentioning how much less he was eating. 

Then in August he went to Denver.  I left for that City a few days after him, and he looked like hell.  Now for those that have never experienced a National Convention (of either party) there is a lot that goes into making these things work.  California has the largest delegation for the Democrats, and that means even more work for the staff (which Robert is one of).  He was getting up early in the mornings (4 a.m.) to get credentials for that day's events, then working through until six or seven at night.  Two nights, he just went back up into his room and slept, missing Michelle Obama's speech, Ted Kennedy's speech, and of course Hillary's speech, all of which he HAD wanted to see but did not have the energy to actually go and see.  On Wednesday night, we both rested and so we were able to Barack's speech on Thursday night (we were on the field, on the 30 yard line while Obama was on the 50). 

Finding transportation out of that event was a horrendous nightmare.  Twice I nearly called 911 because Robert looked like he was about to collapse.  Fortunatley I found us a bus out of there and got him back to the hotel room. 

When we got back to Denver, I started pushing him to go see his doctor.  After his last appointment a couple of months back, the doctor had given him a lab slip to do blood work, and the lab was still valid, so he agreed to get the blood drawn and made an appointment for his doctor (which was two weeks away).  It only took a few strong words and a simple demand to get him to this much and I relaxed after he got his blood test that Thursday night.

The next morning while he was taking a shower to go to work, his phone rang.  He checked the voicemail after his shower and it was the Nurse Practitioner from his Doctor's office.  Robert called her back and got her assistant,  Anjelica.

Anjelica:  "Mr. Jordan, she's in with a patient but I can have her call you back...wait a moment please.  Yes, it's Mr. Jordan.  Okay, Robert, Deborah will be right with you."

Now, when you hear that from your Doctor's office, it's time to freak out, and Robert smartly called my name so I went to hold his hand while the NP talked to him.

NP:  "Mr. Jordan, we just got your lab results and I need to see you as soon as possible.  Can you come down today?"

Robert:  "Um, what appointments do you have available?  Last time I called they were all booked up."

NP:  "You don't need to worry about an appointment.  Just tell them your name and we'll fit you in immediately."

Robert:  "We'll be there in ten minutes."

NP:  "Good, we'll be ready."

In her office we get the bad news.  He's either got HIV which is turning into full blown AIDS, or he has Leukemia.  Now we're gay men, we know HIV quite well, even though we've been tested negative multiple times over the last few years.  Then there's the fact that I know I at least have never, ever been tempted to cheat on Robert, much less actually cheated on him.  I'm also 99.9% certain he would never cheat on me, and we both told her that.  Still, we agreed to an HIV test just to make sure (I did have a massive transfusion last year so that's the only real probablility and needed to be eliminated.

We talked some more, and she said she was going to send the lab results to a hematologist for review.  Bottom line is that his white blood cell counts were over 380k, and when they get close to 500k, you risk stroke.  His red blood cells barely existed, and his platelets were minimal.  Then she told me we could go home, but if I saw certain times, I was to take him to an ER. 

Four hours later, and many phone calls later, we were at Mercy General Hospital with him being admitted directly into the Oncology unit.  HIV test was negative, so they were sure it was Leukemia.  A bone marrow sample was removed, and they started him on the first of six bags of blood he received over the next few days.  By the end of the next week when he was discharged, the preiliminary  diagnosis was CLL, one of the more treatable forms of Leukemia with a 90% survival rate. 

The next week we went to the Doctor and got the inkling that things wouldn't be as all neat as we thought.  The bone marrow results were back and while they showed classic CLL (so that diagnosis was valid) they ALSO show contradicting indications of Mantle Cell Lympona, a more deadly version of Leukemia.  Also in this time Robert's spleen has been swelling up and is about 3 times normal size.  The good news is they think if the mantle is there, it's located in the spleen and not the bone marrow.  That's good, because taking out the spleen would remove the Mantle.  The Doctor ordered a PET scan which was done two days later.  He also referred us to a surgeon for the spleen removal but that surgeon is out of town until October 7th. 

Over the weekend and through the first of this week, Robert began running consistent low grade fevers of between 99 and 101 degrees.  His joint pain began to increase much more than it had been and by Monday he was so weak he could barely move.  We went to the doctor today (Tuesday) for the regular visit (Chemo round 2 is supposed to be next week). 

The Doctor was glad to see us because he'd just gotten the PET results back.  Robert's spleen is 4-5 times its regular size and has been growing backwards, into his intestines and partially blocking them.  It needs to come out as soon as possible.  Worse news is that today's blood work came back showing a plateau in the imrpovement of his blood cells.  That means the RCF chemo treatment (which is fairly mild) was not strong enough and the next chemo needs to be more powerful...the type that causes all the hair to fall out. 

So now Robert's back in the hospital with a pick line IV installed for the delivery of powerful antiobiotics to keep his body strong against infection.  The surgery is likely to be Monday or Tuesday next week, if the antibiotics work.  After the surgery, he will begin R-CHOP chemo as soon as he's strong enough.  The Doctor hopes that will be enough to get rid of any remaining Mantle cells in his body before they can find a new home.

If that doesn't work, and this was a conversation between the Doctor and I, it is time to start making funeral arrangements and making sure his last wishes are taken care of quickly.  The end could come anywhere between a few months up to three years on the outside. 

On the other hand, if this DOES work, the doctor was sure to tell me that Robert can live for several more decades without too much difficulty and a little luck that the Leukemia doesn't come back. 

Thanks, I really needed to vent and get this all out there, without Robert seeing it and getting depressed.  We are in a fight here for his life, and I'm going to do everything I can to give him strength and support to get through this with the best possible outcome, but I also realize I need to take care of myself, and when it's necessary vent a little bit like this. 

We meet all kinds of people in this world, with their good sides and their bad sides.  Robert is one of the few people I've ever met who genuinely cares.  He cares about other people, about helping to make the lives of others better, and he can fight for what he believes in with more energy and passion than a hundred other people.  It's part of why he has the job he does, Deputy Director for the California Dem Party.  It's also why I fell in love with him and want no one in my life romantically except him. 

Sounds kind of strange, me saying that last line. 

I thank everyone for their prayers, and their support in advance.  It is appreciated tremendously.

Now a message from TheJudge isn't complete until there's something humorous in it.  When the Hematologist was trying to find another surgeon to do this surgery, he called a colleague who asked if there's been a second opinion.  Our doctor said "We're still waiting for the insurance to approve the official referral, but I have an informal one from Dr. XX."

The other doctor at this point (and I heard it through the phone) - "How did you get that bastard to even look at the file?"  The doctor they are referring to is one of the best and only deals with high end/high paying patients.

Our doctor answered:  "Well, you remember Art Torres, right, the Chair of the CA Dem Party?  Yeah, he's a great guy.  Well he was a paitent of Dr. XX last year and asked him to take a look at this because Robert is one of Art's chief Deputy's."

Other Doctor:  "sh*t, well, um, I'll fit him in tomorrow on my rounds.  Do you think I'll need to do the surgery this weekend?  My kid's got a game but I'll skip if it's needed."

Our Doctor:  "I was hoping for Monday or Tuesday, actually, so that the antibiotics have time to work."

You know, it's nice being someone, or having your partner be someone once in a while.  We've already gotten word that if the insurance company tries to deny any procedure our doctor wants, that insurance company will be getting calls from state officials in various Senate and Assembly committees that deal with Insurance and Health Care.  I'd hate to be a normal person who actually has to worry about a denial from the insurance company lasting for more than a few days. 
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Offline Sirgod

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Re: We Need Your Prayers
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2008, 01:16:34 am »
Dan, you know I will be there for you anyway I can. I understand needing to write something like this out also. This has been a hard year for a few forum members here. But as always, I'm just a call away bro. Of course you have our prayers, for Robert and for you also. I understand the stress level you are under, and if there is anything I can do, please let me know.

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Offline Grand Master of Shadows NCC37385

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Re: We Need Your Prayers
« Reply #2 on: September 24, 2008, 01:42:06 am »
Ive been praying for him since I first read your original post. I really do hope everything turns out alright. I'll pray for you as well, Judge.

Believe me, I really do know how youre feeling. Right now two members of my family are fighting cancer. I dont think one of them is going to make it. The chemo isnt working, they wont perform surgery because the cancer has spread and has "surrounded" the arteries/veins that supply blood to her kidneys, and the experimental drugs she is taking are doing nothing. I grew up around her and her son is only 2 1/2 months younger than myself. My uncle, who also has cancer, has had to have part of his stomach and small intestines removed.

On a positive note. My mother has had cancer twice and survived. She has been cancer free for more than 16 years.

I will keep both of you in my prayers.

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Re: We Need Your Prayers
« Reply #3 on: September 24, 2008, 01:45:15 am »
you both will be in my prayers.  Keep a positive outlook, you have many people behind you.
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Re: We Need Your Prayers
« Reply #4 on: September 24, 2008, 09:19:36 am »
You have the prayers of me and my family.

Please keep us updated and know that miracles can, and do, happen.


Offline TheJudge

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Re: We Need Your Prayers
« Reply #5 on: September 24, 2008, 10:38:54 am »
Thank you all, and Shadows, know that my prayers are with your farmily as well.  Visiting the oncology floor is an experience as you see the other patients, some depressed, some cheerful, all fighting for their lives.  Last night brought that home to me once again, that far too many people are having to go through these same experiences, and deal with these same issues. 

One of the ways we're lucky is that the people at the Democratic Party (his work) have all donated sick time to cover him.  One lady alone gave 240 hours of sick time to Robert (that's a full 30 days).  We are very lucky that they are so caring and so giving. 

We are both really lucky to be surrounded (here in Sacto and through the online communities) by so many people that care.  Now it's time to go, cause he wants me to bring his laptop and the ATT Connect card (he's tired of typing web pages on his smartphone), and he wants me to bring a bunch of paperwork so he can do some things instead of being bored. 

I swear he's turning into a vampire.  They gave him a bag of blood overnight and now he's all hyper and happy.  Bah!  I haven't even had my coffee yet...oh and then later this morning I have my OWN doctor's appointment to go over how I am doing and do my own physical.  Woohoo!

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Re: We Need Your Prayers
« Reply #6 on: September 25, 2008, 08:33:30 pm »
Hope everything works out well for you two. 
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Re: We Need Your Prayers
« Reply #7 on: September 26, 2008, 07:44:52 am »
I'd say I hope things will work out, but I KNOW they will and that it goes without saying.
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Offline Dash Jones

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Re: We Need Your Prayers
« Reply #8 on: September 26, 2008, 02:15:01 pm »
Sounds like the swelling and increase in white blood cell count was/is the most immediate problem, hopefully the antibiotics can help somewhat before they operate in that.  Good Luck, hope that all goes well.
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Re: We Need Your Prayers
« Reply #9 on: September 26, 2008, 08:48:51 pm »
my heart hopes wishes and prayers go out to you and your husband
« Last Edit: September 27, 2008, 03:06:40 pm by [KBF]MuadDib »
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Re: We Need Your Prayers
« Reply #10 on: September 29, 2008, 02:20:51 pm »
Any update Dan? I know the weekends are busy for everyone.

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Re: We Need Your Prayers
« Reply #11 on: October 05, 2008, 02:44:18 am »
Thanks Judge. Every prayer helps.

As Stephen was asking, any news?

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Re: We Need Your Prayers
« Reply #12 on: October 11, 2008, 11:56:06 pm »

Hello, Judge.

I'm just reading this thread, and am truly sorry to hear about Robert.  I'm going to pray that the rays of hope the doctor has offered you all pay off.  It's great that you two were in the position you were in so that you could get people to help you.

Please keep us updated.  We all care about you and will be thinking and praying for you.

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Re: We Need Your Prayers
« Reply #13 on: October 12, 2008, 01:25:53 am »
Hopes and prayers and thoughts, man.
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Re: We Need Your Prayers
« Reply #14 on: January 21, 2012, 04:04:47 pm »
Oh wow. I'd totally forgotten about this thread from all those years ago - so sorry to all of you who never got an update.  It's been years since the original post.  Things got really bad for a while, but in March 2009 Robert was declared in remission from Mantle Cell Lymphoma.  On the oncologist's recommendation, we began the process of a bone marrow transplant.

We ended up moving to Stanford for several months during this process (which was tough because my niece and nephew were living with us back in Sacramento at the time and we still rented the house there).  Friends of some of his political friends offered to let us stay with them in a studio apartment for free - on the campus of Stanford itself (one of this is a Department Head at that school).  The transplant was completed in the fall of 2009 and we were able to move back home.

Robert went back to work in November 2009 (for the same employer - the California Dem Party) and has continued working there since.  We've since bought a house in north Sacramento (2,462 square feet house on 8,440 square foot corner lot for $250k at 4.15% interest - originally sold for $516k in 2004) and have full custody of my now 13-year old nephew and 11 year old niece.  I now sympathize with all of you who have raised teenagers. 

I even stopped smoking before the bone marrow transplant process since we were warned any possible infection could kill Robert and I cut everything out of my life that would pose a risk. 

I've been in business for myself since 2008 and am still going strong in that.  It's a wonder how much less stressful life is when you can tell a client to f*** off.  It also sucks when the Mayor of San Francisco still owes you over $6,000 and hasn't paid even though he won the election two months ago (and still owes you for the two months before that).  Life can be tough, very tough, but there are things worth fighting for and never giving up hope.  Thanks to all of you who gave your prayers and good wishes during what was one of the most trying times of my life.

It was and is appreciated. 
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Offline marstone

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Re: We Need Your Prayers
« Reply #15 on: January 21, 2012, 08:30:48 pm »
thanks for the update, have wondered what had happened as you went dark on us here.  Glad to hear things have turned around and going to the better again.
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