In an attempt to enliven this board, here's a little excerpt I wrote over two different lunch times. This is all there is and I cannot remember the original inspiration for the piece -- which was just the first scene in the shuttle -- but I think it was to do with small craft going fast.

I call these little excerpts "Flashes" as they come to me as a flash of inspiration which may not amount to even a single scene or may last several, plus being completely out of sequence in a story.
Enjoy, and comment. And, as another thought strikes: perhaps someone else could have a bash at continuing it? Post if you want to and decide amongst yourselves.
Shuttle Ride - Flash One
by Scottish Andy
"PULL UP!!!"
"Stop screaming in my ear like a frightened kit!" M'Rrowl snapped irritably as she deftly operated the shuttle's controls to neatly avoid the pinnacle of rock they'd been flying towards. As the
Pup banked and weaved and neatly slotted though the annular rock formation fifty degrees port of their previous heading, she offered her nervous passenger a caustic glare. "Do you think I don't know what I'm doing?"
The white-faced Human looked as if he was about to lose his lunch and he clung white-knuckled and wide-eyed to his seat, unable to tear his gaze from the shuttle's clearsteel forward window. "Watch where you're going!" he cried out, twisting away from their impending -- to him -- sudden fiery death against a canyon wall.
"If you do not shut the hell up, I am going to let them hit us!" she snarled back, furious. "This is the only thing keeping us alive, so if you cannot watch,
don't bloody watch! Get on the comms array and try to punch through to the ship."
"I can't--" he started, but she cut him off.
"Do something to stop me from throwing you out the side!" she roared. "'Cause if you don't stop your whining, I swear to you I'll stun you! Sir!"
She flung that in to remind the snivelling heap that he was her senior officer and as such should be setting an example or at least swallowing his fear to the point where he wasn't endangering their lives with his totally unhelpful and alarmist exclamations.
It was as if he suddenly remembered this too, because his next words were almost predictable.
"Ensign, I order you to not take such risks with our lives!"
M'Rrowl's ears flicked flat back and her eyes slitted. "Can you fly this shuttle, Lieutenant?"
"I can operate it, get us into orbit, fly us from one point to another--"
"I did not ask if you could 'operate' it. I asked if you can
fly. As in Space/Air Combat Manoeuvring?"
He managed a glare at her through his fear. "No, Ensign, I cannot 'fly' this shuttle."
She returned his glare with several centuries' worth of compound interest. "I...
can. Sir."
So saying, she yanked the shuttle around again to avoid another series of disruptor blasts that would have downed them had they hit. To do so, she barrelled down a twisting side canyon at Mach 2 after executing a switchback turn to 120 degrees starboard from their previous course.
And she had to endure his terrified, shrill scream from about 0.3 seconds into the turn.
I wish he'd lose his grip and knock himself out on a panel or bulkhead, she snarled inwardly, noting a relatively clear and straight section coming up on the scanner. They'd be there in three seconds.
Then I wouldn't have to do this... Maintaining control with her left hand, she reached to her belt and pulled her Type I phaser off it, checked the power setting, aimed, and fired in one smooth action. The terrified Human slumped nervelessly in his chair.
She hurriedly tapped in a landing command and replaced her phaser on her belt. At the rush, she hauled her now-peaceful superior into the back and secured him in the webbing and returned to the pilot's seat to the blaring of the sensor alarm.
"Incoming!" she muttered to herself, jumping into the pilot seat and gunning the shuttle's anti-grav and impulse engines. The strident alarm of a weapons lock abruptly cut off to be replaced by the sound of explosions behind her as the disruptor salvo from the pursuing Klingons created a large crater in the canyon floor where her little craft had briefly sat mere fractions of a second before.
"Useless Human!" she snarled her frustration to the empty cabin as she manually jinked ther shuttle around a base course mere metres off the ground and from the left-side canyon wall.
I needed him to try and contact the ship! I cannot keep flying around in circles until they give up! Why the hell is Starfleet not arming its shuttles as standard procedure, anyway?Another flurry of emerald pulses flashed past the shuttle to pulverise some rock in front of her.
Okay, I have to do something instead of merely dodging. It's keeping us alive but getting us nowhere. With a half-decent crewmate, she mentally snarled at her forcibly-napping senior officer,
I could have had them implement any ideas we came up with, but noooo. I have to get a mewling kit who managed to hide his fear of flying for eight years. She rolled her eyes at this.
I mean seriously!
Has he never been on a wild shuttle ride in all this time?Jink-flash-flash-flash-BOOM!Another salvo dodged, she set her mind back to the problem at hand.
They're faster than me and they're armed, but I'm more manoeuvreable and have stronger shields. I need to down at least one of them without damaging myself. How? How do I do this with no weapons and only my piloting skill?She came up with an answer quickly as a replay of her flying through the annular rock formation from a good few minutes back flashed into her head.
That's it! I make them crash.A predatory grin decorated her face as she reapplied herself to the shuttle controls.
"Any word from the shuttle?" Captain Harrington asked. Again.
"Ma'am, I will inform you instantly if there is," Jiao Shi Qi answered, trying not to sound snappish or exasperated with her C.O. The Chief of Ship Operations quickly elaborated, "The Klingon ship is still blanket jamming our communications and our sensors cannot punch through or compensate for the ionisation of the planet's atmosphere caused by their torpedoes. So far, direct optical scanning has not located the shuttle, but if they are involved in a wide-ranging evasion within the canyons riddling the entire region, we're unlikely to see them. Not that we'll stop looking or trying to clear the interference. Captain."
A brief silence greeted this verbal explosion from their normally quiet Ops Chief.
"Well. That's me told off," Caitlin replied in a mildly sarcastic tone. "Have I really been that annoying, Bonnie?"
"Yes Ma'am, you have," Jiao agreed more affably, her tension relieved by her friend the Captain's playful response.
"Get me the Klingon commander again, please," Kate then instructed Lamar, their Izarian comms officer.
Long moments later he finally stated, "I have him, Ma'am. On screen now."
"What do you want?" her still unnamed opponent greeted her.
"I want you to lift your jamming so I can talk to my survey shuttle and get it back."
"No."The channel abruptly closed even as Kate's mouth was opening to form new words. Her eyes flashed with a flare of anger before she closed her mouth thoughtfully.
"Mr. Danilov, perhaps I am being paranoid, but does it seem to you that this
gentleman of our
esteemed galactic
neighbours is deliberately having his fun with me?"
The X.O. blinked. "He does like allowing only one question and supplying one-word answers. Maybe this is how he gets his jollies. It's not like we can make an issue of it. His Relentless* outranks our Akula."
"Only in the size of his guns, Stephan," Kate spoke chidingly.
"Well, when we're left to using a laser comm-beam to even talk to him through his jamming, I'd say it's obvious he's not interested in talking to us."
Yet," Jiao interposed. "Perhaps he's doing something nasty to our shuttle and doesn't want us to see it?"
"Claim jumpers?" Stephan asked disbelievingly.
"It wouldn't be the first time," the slight Chinese answered promptly, though genuine worry started to colour her tone. "Captain, we need to see what's going on down there."
"Agreed," Harrington stated abruptly. "Ki'aron, launch a probe and have it get under the ionised atmosphere, scan the entire region for our shuttle's physical parameters, power signature, crew lifesigns, movement above 15 m/s, and weapons' fire. It has to record and return to the ship."
Science officer Ki'aron Xa-Havereii was already programming his board with the first parameter before his captain had finished speaking.
"Captain, perhaps we should also program the probe for evasive manoeuvres? We don't want it being shot out of the sky before it can return within comm laser range," Tactical Officer Jarinex stated.
"Good point. Ki'aron, include randomly selected evasive patterns and have the probe start them if it is scanned by Klingon sensor systems."
"Captain, that may be a bit much for the probe to handle," Xa-Havereii warned, doing it anyway.
"Understood. Let's hope it doesn't come under fire then. Launch when ready."
"What reaction will we get from the Klingons?" Danilov asked. "They don't want us to see what's going on under the interference and they're not talking."
"We need to be prepared for them firing on the probe," Jarinex stated firmly.
"They may do nothing," Jiao opined. "They may just be here to annoy us but nothing further. Maybe their captain is bored."
"If they destroy our probe, I'm taking the ship into the atmosphere to look ourselves," Harrington stated unequivocally. "Enough of that nonsense."
"Captain, that would put us at a tactical disadvantage if they decide to get rough--" Danilov objected, but Kate overrode him.
"We'll be under their own ionic interference so they would be the ones with the disadvantage. If they want to fight, they come under it too--"
"Where the odds would again be in their favour in a straight out fight of firepower," the X.O. countered, folding his arms across his chest and staring at has captain with narrowed eyes.
"Then we don't go for a straight fight, Stephan," Kate returned evenly. "Never fight on their terms or you're already half-way to losing."
"Probe's ready," Xa-Havereii announced, ignoring the byplay to follow his last orders. "Launching."
"No reaction-- wait, they're scanning it. Probe is on evasive." A tense second passed, then, "They're powering up their facing disruptor!"
"Lamar, hail them!"
"They're firing!"
"They're not answering, Captain."
"Miss! The evasive is working!"
"Five seconds until it's through the interference."
"Firing again, miss!"
"Two seconds--"
"Probe destroyed."
"Damn their eyes! Take us in, Mr. Winchester. Z-minus... twenty thousand kilometres and point our nose right at them all the way down."
Sweat suddenly popped out on Wyatt Winchester III's brow as he fought to remember how to program such a fendishly complicated manoeuvre, but the captain obviously wanted to send a message to the Klingon and didn't want to hear from her helmsman that he couldn't do it.
"Makes me glad we didn't launch the
Camel after all," Kate stated in a quiet aside to her X.O. "Though destroying a crewed shuttle is quite different from a probe, but for all we know they've already done the same with no witnesses to the
"Captain, is this really necessary?" Danilov asked pointedly, though only for her ears. "That manoeuvre will put a lot of strain on the ship, require extra power to the SIF to counter it, and we're not even armed yet."
"I'm setting us up to preclude from needing to arm ourselves, X.O.," Harrington shot back a little testily. "If all our main weapons arcs are pointed away from him he may feel emboldened to try something while we'd have to struggle around in complicated intra-atmospheric manoeuvres to return fire."
Danilov looked dubious but let it stand. He could hear that the captain was getting annoyed at being questioned so much. They now had to put away their usual Q&A style of command.
"Descent plotted and laid in, Captain," Wyatt announced.
The U.S.S.
Bigglesworth dropped towards the planet.
* Relentless: Klingon Academy designation for the Klingon light/war cruiser design used in KA & SFC in place of the SFB D5 design.