We've been due for an update - long overdue.
Well, alright - here's the deal... I've been stewing on how to put this so I'm going to just say it out like it is because to do so in any other manner would disrespect you, our valued community members. We've journeyed a long road, D.Net, you and I - and in this particular update your going to learn a couple things about me of a rather personal nature. If you wish to discuss any of these with me offline, I'm open to such (I'd prefer a phone call rather than a long dialog via PMs - you can send me a PM though to get started if you wish) but
I DO NOT WANT SUCH HERE.Please. This isn't the place for it. If you read all the way through and don't just run to respond you'll see why.
Here... *offers hand*, let me hold your hand and let's walk for a bit. I have some secrets to tell.
1.) In the beginning of this year, as you all know, we had our house completely remodelled and in the process converted a small area in the garage into a server room (literally) for the DGA and D.Net / related services. This left my personal bank account pretty well wiped, but we had expected that TBH, because we got some nice stuff in the process of the renovation. We expected the continued costs throughout the rest of the year to kinda get things .. finished. If anyone has done the same, they understand what I mean.
What we didn't expect was....
2.) In April of 2011, I lost my job with Terremark, now Verizon, due to a government level background check.

I had been with the company for over 3 years. I have been unable to find a suitable place of employment since, due primarily to my inability to deal with the depression that has seemed to grip the very core of my being for the last several months. I won't BS anyone, I'm frustrated and dealing with home issues involving the very quality of my life, as well as existential lessons I'm having put in my face over and over again, but refuse to accept.
I just want you to
listen...or in this case,
read. Let's keep walking, okay?
3.) I have been dealing with several personal health issues. While the reoccurrance of cancer was small and easily removed, the issues with my joints are increasing and I've become more and more dependant on over the counter analgesics to simply function daily. I sleep with the carpal tunnel braces on each wrist and it barely helps, and I'm usually dealing with headaches of which we don't really have any idea why. I've had several MRI's and two nerve tests. Ever had those? Not fun. This has contributed to my depression in many ways.
4.) To deal with the medical bills as well as just monthly bills Jan and I decided to cash in the 20K+ 401K I had with Terremark. I was going to either have to roll it into my IRA or do something anyways... and we really didn't have a choice once the 2 month agreement with Terremark ran out. This is what we've been surviving on, this and my wifes income from her job. It's gone, been gone for about two months now.
5.) My ex wife is suing me for more child support and petitioning the state to have it extended until my daughter is 21. My daughter will turn 18 on January 19th of 2012 and is suppose to graduate from High School that May of 2012. My ex-wife is stating that this website, in addition to the others I run, constitute a huge income I am not reporting and thus attempting to fraud the State of Texas. I've had to go to Austin twice, and have to go again on January 25th.
One of the things that was brought into the light was that, after all of the money we've made this year, we're operating in a $6800 + debt.
Yes. That's right, I didn't stutter, my dear friend. Six thousand eight hundred plus dollars is what I'm paying for all this *waves around* after the donations, and the money we generate from our Store.
It's been this way for quite a while, and while this is absolutely wonderful for Court and to use against my lovely Ex and the State of Texas

, it's a testimate to how much I put into this place, and everything we've done and worked to build together.While some might go off all stupid, I'm not. Some may say the payback was people like Bonk. Others, perhaps, would say it was someone else or something else.
I don't. I say the payback is
all of you - all of you that are still here, still holding this damned torch after
all these years.
And in that regard, I've got atleast two great annoucements. One is we've got a new programmer on board (had on board actually, for a while now, I just like to wait and make sure people stick around before saying stuff like this

)- and he's giving our codebase the look over, taking a look at what was said and what was actually DONE. This will allow him to get up to speed and begin working towards the goals we've all had - to see SFC : CE run on Windows 7, as well as the campaign system. To see our Online Campaign Interface launched and to debute our Vault - the repository of Captaincy career databases that will allow you to track your campaign history and service history as one and the same. To see the lists of updates and =possibilities= turned into realities. This individual has many years of experience, and I had the pleasure to converse with him via phone... and I'm telling you, from what I'm seeing, I think we're going to see some really good stuff, and soon.
The second is I'm pleased to announce Strat will be resuming his work in regards to testing the builds he's worked on, so please give him the assistance he may need!
So, now it comes to what D.net needs from you. What I "need" from you.
Here, sit down.
I won't lie - what I need you probably don't want to part with right now. We desperately need some additional funds to assist us with surviving through the New Year... or we may not make it through. I'm honestly not sure how much longer we can keep things going as they are, and while I had planned on asking for funding to get some much needed hardware (Second UPS, second MasterSwitch, larger backup HD's and 4 instead of 2 for alternating backups), at this point we're asking for it
to just stay online.So please, donate to the Dynaverse.Net Paypal account. Buy some games, pick up some stuff from the
D.Net CafePress Store, or get a copy of our
SFC OP Revised Strategy Guide.
But please, donate. Give so that we can continue. Give so that we can make everything we've been holding the torch for, for so long, a reality.

On behalf of all our staff we thank you sincerely for your dedication, contributions, and well wishes for this Holiday Season. We truly believe that with your help next year we'll all be here and celebrating in a much different fashion.
Frey Petermeier