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Topic: Please pray for my wife! She was just diagnosed with cancer.  (Read 67984 times)

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Re: Please pray for my wife! She was just diagnosed with cancer.
« Reply #60 on: April 22, 2012, 10:49:47 am »
That's great news! I am very happy for you both of you!

Offline Mazeppa

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Re: Please pray for my wife! She was just diagnosed with cancer.
« Reply #61 on: April 22, 2012, 05:26:20 pm »
Dizzy, Berte was telling me about your allergies, so We won't do it right away this summer, But maybe come Fall, You both can get away long enough to come visit. Who knows, maybe some of the other SFC guys can make the trip, and I'll slaughter a fattened calf or the like.

Right now the grass and Tree is insane, up here in Oklahoma.


Sirgod, I still live in Tulsa, so keep me in mind for this summer.  LOVE to meet you and Dizzy!

I was close to you twice in September and March when my chess team was at Carl Albert High and Del City High for chess tournaments.  Did not have any way to drop by, had a van load of kids and chess parents in convoy.  (My team is state champs!)

Son of K'otv
A Retired But Proud Member of the Klingon Black Fleet


Offline Sirgod

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Re: Please pray for my wife! She was just diagnosed with cancer.
« Reply #62 on: April 22, 2012, 07:56:33 pm »
Hey grats on the state Champs, and of course I will keep you in mind man. It would be a blast to have you come down and visit also.

"You cannot exaggerate about the Marines. They are convinced to the point of arrogance, that they are the most ferocious fighters on earth - and the amusing thing about it is that they are."- Father Kevin Keaney, Chaplain, Korean War

Offline Dizzy

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Re: Please pray for my wife! She was just diagnosed with cancer.
« Reply #63 on: April 24, 2012, 07:44:34 pm »
Dizzy, Berte was telling me about your allergies, so We won't do it right away this summer, But maybe come Fall, You both can get away long enough to come visit. Who knows, maybe some of the other SFC guys can make the trip, and I'll slaughter a fattened calf or the like.

Right now the grass and Tree is insane, up here in Oklahoma.


That'd be awesome bro! Looking forward to it.

Offline Dizzy

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Re: Please pray for my wife! She was just diagnosed with cancer.
« Reply #64 on: April 24, 2012, 07:46:33 pm »
I might meet Frey too. He was gonna come down here for a visit but chickened out at the last minute. You guys give him sh*t till he does. ;) Looking forward to meeting him. He should bring Pesty with him so we can all go hit the bars.

Offline Sirgod

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Re: Please pray for my wife! She was just diagnosed with cancer.
« Reply #65 on: April 25, 2012, 02:04:22 pm »
I can probably talk him into that. We have been talking for a long time about getting back together, I haven't seen him myself in a long time, and I would love to visit with Pesty also. Only talked to him once or twice on the phone, and that was when he was at the gas station with Frey.

But yeah, any excuse to give Frey sh*t is always good in my book. :P

"You cannot exaggerate about the Marines. They are convinced to the point of arrogance, that they are the most ferocious fighters on earth - and the amusing thing about it is that they are."- Father Kevin Keaney, Chaplain, Korean War


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Re: Please pray for my wife! She was just diagnosed with cancer.
« Reply #66 on: September 05, 2012, 05:58:12 pm »
Oh wowsers!!  I missed a lot this year. :O

Am very glad on that your wife's health issues are resolved, Dizzy. :D

*thumbs up*

Offline Dizzy

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Re: Please pray for my wife! She was just diagnosed with cancer.
« Reply #67 on: September 16, 2012, 11:33:52 pm »
Have photos to post of Frey riding my Bking WAAAYYYY too fast in the driveway...

Hi karnak. Howya. Not outta the woods yet. I have been getting about less than half the sleep I should and never when I need it the most over the last few weeks agonizing on whether to stay with the planned removal of the ovaries to blunt the estrogen based cancer, or go back and see the doctor for a new large mass growing in her breast in the same spot where the last one was. Its been only 4 months since she was finished with her last chemo therapy and the doctor was surprised the lump came back so fast and so large... We did mention it to the doc as a precaution before the surgery and she is thinking it is a cyst.

Regardless, we chose to side on the side of statistics rather than risk another chemo round before we had the chance to remove her ovaries. Women with estrogen based cancer respond much better to treat and have fewer recurrences and longer remission times when the ovaries are removed and removed they got last friday. She is recovering nicely and only missed a day of work. So she will be headed back to the cancer doc to see what we need to do next. Probably another chemo round. Too bad too. My poor wife was feeling better and just landed her dream job. She's working as property manager for an A class luxury home apartment complex.
I pray god will be merciful this time.


Offline Bartok

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Re: Please pray for my wife! She was just diagnosed with cancer.
« Reply #68 on: October 08, 2012, 03:09:45 pm »
I havent been here in a long.... long while....

Dizzy I hope your wife is doing well... better.... kicking the butt out of that nasty cancer....  I hope it's gone....

Best Wishes

Offline Dizzy

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Re: Please pray for my wife! She was just diagnosed with cancer.
« Reply #69 on: October 24, 2012, 12:56:52 am »
Greetings lifeforms! Been a long time since I dropped in. I pray you are all doing well. I see SFC:CE is out. WOW! I hope to dl and enjoy some of the action soon see how many times I have to get my ship handed to me before I remember how to play this game, hehe. Currently I'm caught up in a bit of a nail biter and wanted to update this amazing thread full of support, well wishers, and friends who have helped me thru this.

Cant sleep atm. Wife has a petscan tomorrow, had an mri saturday. The mass in her breast returned after being reduced to 'Near Resolution' and having the liver cancer evaporate. But looks like its coming back. I can only hope its a fatty deposit, but we know it isnt. Dont think this tamoxofin is working. Sad thing is Berte landed an awesome job as apartment manager at an A class property and it gives her purpose. I hope she can do chemo and keep her job, she really loves it. We dunno. We dunno anything... Im a wreck. Shes doing better than me, lol.

Well, I miss you guys, but looks like SFC:CE will see us reunite before long. Long live SFC!

Attached is a Halloween pic from I think 2010. I'll update with this years pic later. Happy Halloween all!

Offline Sirgod

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Re: Please pray for my wife! She was just diagnosed with cancer.
« Reply #70 on: October 24, 2012, 10:55:20 am »
Still in contact with her on facebook Dizzy, and as always, both of you are in our prayers even to this day. Shoot man, it may come back as just being some scar tissue also.

"You cannot exaggerate about the Marines. They are convinced to the point of arrogance, that they are the most ferocious fighters on earth - and the amusing thing about it is that they are."- Father Kevin Keaney, Chaplain, Korean War

Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: Please pray for my wife! She was just diagnosed with cancer.
« Reply #71 on: October 24, 2012, 10:45:13 pm »
Got the word from Stephen and came over here to let you know my prayers are with you and your family Dizzy.  Sorry to hear things may have taken a turn for the worse, but never stop hoping for the best as hope has some pretty powerful healing and pain and stress reduction abilities, as does faith.   Tell you wife for me (if she still remembers me) that I said she looks even hotter as a witch as she did in that older pic I complimented.  If you weren't a good friend I might try to track her down to woo, lol.  But with her as in SFC piloting you are a very lucky guy and that luck, some hope, some faith and a whole lot of good loving from a good women to you and a whole lot of good loving from a good man to her will get the two of you through the tough times.

Edit:  Just did some research and managed to find your wife's facebook account and left her a message as well, I hope she remembers talking with me on Voice coms before and doesn't think it is some unknown weirdo who was flirting with her and wishing her a speedy recovery, and realizes it is a known weirdo instead.
« Last Edit: October 25, 2012, 12:30:59 am by KAT Chuut-Ritt »

Offline Dizzy

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Re: Please pray for my wife! She was just diagnosed with cancer.
« Reply #72 on: October 25, 2012, 01:28:24 am »
Still in contact with her on facebook Dizzy, and as always, both of you are in our prayers even to this day. Shoot man, it may come back as just being some scar tissue also.


The Mamogram came back normal. That has me wondering if it is scar tissue or fatty tissue... Thats what Im hoping Sirgod. Do not cancer clusters appear as brighter calcification areas on a mamogram? Still, despite that, our Dr. ordered an MRI of the Liver and the petscan. So we will probably have results today...

Offline Dizzy

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Re: Please pray for my wife! She was just diagnosed with cancer.
« Reply #73 on: October 25, 2012, 01:29:52 am »
Tell you wife for me (if she still remembers me) that I said she looks even hotter as a witch as she did in that older pic I complimented.  If you weren't a good friend I might try to track her down to woo, lol. 

Lol, chuut! Im gonna tell her that! That thigh high pic in the snow, yeah I remember. Just might make her day... lol

Offline Dizzy

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Re: Please pray for my wife! She was just diagnosed with cancer.
« Reply #74 on: October 25, 2012, 02:28:02 pm »
I guess you have to take the good with the bad. Its back in her chest and includes a few Lymph nodes. So its back to chemo. Luckily it hasnt reappeared in her liver or anywhere else. The doctor seems confident that after another round of chemo she can put berte back into remission.

Offline Sirgod

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Re: Please pray for my wife! She was just diagnosed with cancer.
« Reply #75 on: October 26, 2012, 01:17:00 am »
Let us hope so Dizzy. That poor lady, between you having storm troopers assaulting her , and now this. :P

"You cannot exaggerate about the Marines. They are convinced to the point of arrogance, that they are the most ferocious fighters on earth - and the amusing thing about it is that they are."- Father Kevin Keaney, Chaplain, Korean War

Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: Please pray for my wife! She was just diagnosed with cancer.
« Reply #76 on: October 27, 2012, 02:58:30 am »
Tell you wife for me (if she still remembers me) that I said she looks even hotter as a witch as she did in that older pic I complimented.  If you weren't a good friend I might try to track her down to woo, lol. 

Lol, chuut! Im gonna tell her that! That thigh high pic in the snow, yeah I remember. Just might make her day... lol

That is my hope, tough times get a lot easier with a few smiles. 

Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: Please pray for my wife! She was just diagnosed with cancer.
« Reply #77 on: October 27, 2012, 03:01:34 am »
Let us hope so Dizzy. That poor lady, between you having storm troopers assaulting her , and now this. :P


If she can handle Dizzy and offspring that have some of his genes she can probably make it through some chemo. 

Praying for a quick and successful treatment.

Offline IndyShark

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Re: Please pray for my wife! She was just diagnosed with cancer.
« Reply #78 on: October 27, 2012, 08:38:25 am »
Dizzy, I am sorry to hear the cancer returned, but I like the prognosis! Best of luck to you and your wife, my friend!

Offline Dizzy

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Re: Please pray for my wife! She was just diagnosed with cancer.
« Reply #79 on: January 07, 2013, 04:57:18 am »
She's Tough. She's taking chemo, working 45 hours a week and STILL manages to every now and then get into the kitchen and do some amazing baking. Her chemo is slow going. The tumor in her Liver is gone for the moment... and is shrinking in the breast... A few more treatments and she may be done with chemo for a while... 2nd Remission may be in sight, but the last one was only 4 months. Too short to recover fully. But damn, she's a fighter. She is inspiring. Thank you for the prayers! Keep them coming! And I'm looking forward to blowing some of you up on SFC CE!

