Topic: Federation reference Series Clippers and other ships  (Read 14546 times)

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Offline Bernard Guignard

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Re: Federation reference Series Clippers and other ships
« Reply #20 on: December 10, 2011, 02:34:04 pm »
Do you have ilistrations for all of these? Also I did do a version of Ingram for A2

Best place for Illustrations are the following sites

On the Federation Reference forum you will find My work for the Kirov Class Dreadnought as well as a alot of
other material.   ;D  I scanned a couple of views of the Decatur you can add these to the side views that you will
find on the Lcar-s blueprint site to have a complete 3view of the decatur

Offline Starfox1701

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Re: Federation reference Series Clippers and other ships
« Reply #21 on: December 10, 2011, 03:37:08 pm »
Pulse Phaser Cannons use rapid-discharge capacitance banks and high speed beam-focusing coils to temporarily store the discharge for 2.3 nanoseconds within the coils and then releases them as a layared pulse. The emerging pulse is structured like an onion and is able to land a target contact that is more difficult for shields and hull armor to disperse than a standard beam. Discharge levels are classified but observed effects indicate at least a 100% increase in effectiveness over Type X phaser banks.

Ya, that explaination is from the DS9 Technical Manual.  That i can confirm.  But how would that translate into ADB's system?  If we used that as a basis, these "Pulse Phasers" would have to function "game mechanics wise" as a Gatling Phaser but also as a Disrupter as well.  How would that be done?

In my mind you treat it like a high powered version of a gatling phaser with no cool down time and big capacitor bank that holds enough for somthing like 20 shots per cannon. They can fire each impulse until the capacitor is empty. Firpower wise they are at lest twice what a Ph4 puts out each shot, Just keep it charged each energy alocation phase and you can rock and roll. The one drawback to the system seams to be a real narrow fiering arc. In game terms no more then 60 degrees ever but real world is more like 30 to 45 degrees. Range wise it should be the same as other phasers of the same strength. This is the most advanced direct fire weapon in starleet invintory.

Offline Bernard Guignard

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Re: Federation reference Series Clippers and other ships
« Reply #22 on: December 11, 2011, 07:50:21 am »
Kreeargh or anyone else have more pics on the clipper design from 2185?
Also any info about it?
Because I kinda started it and want to get more of an idea for it

Atrahasis built one of those

Offline Panzergranate

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Re: Federation reference Series Clippers and other ships
« Reply #23 on: December 11, 2011, 12:41:39 pm »
On the wish list that Bernard provided I found just one that I'd made namely the FR-1940 Knox.

Some of the models I've kept to my self here are as follows:

Hotspur Class (A perimeter action version of the Knox Class with a torpedo pod).

Hanover Class (A perimeter action version of the Knox Class with top and bottom torpoedo pods).

RF-1900 Quillen Class (Similar to a Durya except with SCNN Warp nachelles).

DD-460 Kovaris Class (A destroyer based on the on the FF-301 Burke Class frigate saucer and still in service during 2291).

XBB Black Prince (An experimental fast battleship developed after the failure of the Iron Duke programme using SCNN Warp nachelles).

Kernow Class Tactical Command Cruiser.

Calmoan Class Corsair (A kitbash from someone's Orca Class Clipper).

Illtens Class Corsair (A future kitbash project that isn't completed yet).

Atco Class Corsair (A Kitbash from someone's Orca Class Clipper).

Castlewood Class Clipper (A Kitbash from someone's Orca Class Clipper).

Corsairs, from the schematics, seem to have approximately double the armaments of the Clippers. All, apart from the Illtens Class Corsair which only carries twin Photon tubes in place of the forward hangar, are armed with Pulse Phaser Cannon pods. I use PhG in SFC and this seems very effective.

In an experiment, last night, I let a Calmoan and Atco loose against an Orion Attack Raider Class Cruiser, 3 x LR+s and 2 x PRs.... they chewed them all up and spat it out. As for Orion LR and PR small warships they are more than effective.

They are ideally suited to anti-piracy interdiction and escort duties where the most likely aggressor is a small, fast and maneuverable warship with limited armament.

The Atco had to slow down to speed 21.7 in order to recharge its 4 x FA PhG sole armament periodically but this didn't hinder it too much. It just belted around weaving in and out of the Orion LRs and PRs happily absorbing hits whilst lashing out at close range with devestating effect....

It was quite entertaining to watch as I was flying the Calmoan and stayed at speed 31 throughout the battle following the Atco.

In SFC terms these Corsairs and Clippers would have appeared after Year 29 / 2279. I've no idea what preceeded them.

All are expansions of a Federation Skiff which I don't know the class name of yet. There is a very big family of ships in this group and include the Oberth Class Science Ship / Super Scout.

If just having 4 decks doesn't point out that the Defiant is more of a Corsair (they also have 4 decks) and not a detroyer, which has more than 20 decks, then what will?? Even the Federation's smallest destroyer in TOS, the Kovaris Class, has double the number of decks as this.
The Klingons have many ways to fry a cat. I prefer to use an L7 Fast Battlecruiser!!

Offline Kreeargh

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Re: Federation reference Series Clippers and other ships
« Reply #24 on: December 11, 2011, 08:36:12 pm »
Kreeargh or anyone else have more pics on the clipper design from 2185?
Also any info about it?
Because I kinda started it and want to get more of an idea for it

All I did , post a immage not here at dyna.   BUT DONT EVER let someone shut down your thoughts because "SOMEONE ALREADY MADE IT"  That kind of thinking is crap! The Few dont rule make sure of that !
Your model is good. Finish it please?

Let those bring back the glory or shut up.   Stupid me for posting at all.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2011, 09:49:49 pm by Kreeargh »
Time for life!

Offline Panzergranate

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Re: Federation reference Series Clippers and other ships
« Reply #25 on: December 12, 2011, 07:37:17 am »
Y ep, never let the fact that somebody else has  already had a go at modelling a particular ship as there are always various incarnations throughout the vessel in question's life due to refits, etc. Warp nachelles are changed during major servicing periods, approximately at the end of every 5 year mission for Star Fleet. Paint schemes change also as the cosmic anti-radiation covering on the hulls is renewed.

As for the Defiant's Pulse Phasers being the same as Disrupters.... all I can ask is how??

The Phaser is evolved from Laser etchnology and the Disrupter from particle beam technology, completeluy different.
The Star Trek Disrupter is extrapolated and based current millitary experiments dating from the 1960's.

How the Disrupter works is by transmitting a extremely powerful sonic shock wave between the firer and the target via a particle beam. This causes massive wracking to the target at the molecular level, exciting the molecules affected, generating heat and destaballising molecular bonds, hence "Disrupter". Against lifeforms it causes massive organ ruptures and bone fractures.

A Disrupter bolt is where a particle bubble is fired at a target with a powerful sonic shockwave reverberating inside it. On contact with the target it is released as a wracking force at the molecular level and molecular disruption occurs.

The effects of range on a Disrupter shot are to the transmission medium, namely the particle stream. The sonic shock wave remains at the same intensity throughout but the medium looses density over distance and spreads the sonic shock wave over a larger target area, minimalising the depth of molecular wracking effects at the target.

A Phaser is a modulated coherent focused energy beam as opposed to a Laser, which is a focused coherent beam photons. Both Lasers and Phasers feature a capacitor bank which is charged or "refreshed". Both the Laser and Phaser charge an emitter / aspirator core via a charge pump which is fed with energy from the capacitor bank. The difference is that a Phaser charges the emitter core with energy as opposed to the Photons that a Laser would use. If the Laser or Phaser discharge rate is slower than the refresh rate of the capacitor then a continuous beam can be maintained.... something a Disrupter cannot achieve.
Both a Phaser and Laser can have their capacitor refresh rate can be tuned to achieve a modulation in order to synchronise maximum discharge with a low point in a target's shield refresh washover.

I think this is the root of the confusion here between a Phaser and Disrupter.

In no way can a Phaser ever mimic a Disrupter and vice versa.

The Klingons have many ways to fry a cat. I prefer to use an L7 Fast Battlecruiser!!

Offline atheorhaven

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Re: Federation reference Series Clippers and other ships
« Reply #26 on: December 16, 2011, 11:10:11 am »
More the merrier..  if I thought that because someone else had done something I wouldn't, then I'd never work on retextures or kitbashes.  I wouldn't have a v4 TARDIS coming out sooner or later, my Daleks would never be released, and the Space 1999 work I've been doing would never have happened.

Also, how many Feddies would we have?  Maybe the Taldren ones and possibly Moonraker's.

Revisiting designs gives you a chance to try new ideas with it and resulted in Moonraker's FCA being better than the Taldren one, p81's FCA being better than Moonraker's (higher poly and higher res textures), and Khaliban's FCA following the same road.

Personally, I'd love to see the same level of attention being paid to what you're doing, or the ancillary craft and support craft like stations, cargo trawlers, PF's.  All the background stuff needs to be updated (and I'm guilty of that as well.. I've had an idea to update a station a few years back I've not touched yet).

Hope that you finish that clipper FW, and that some of these other clippers get built.  Which reminds me, I need to dig through all the old G@War stuff and see if there's any of these ships in there for Bernard..
..ooOOoo..totally useless information..ooOOoo..

Mare Imbrium Shipyards -

Don't bother checking out my website for the most recent updates, because I've
been too lazy to update it!  Check Battleclinic!

Offline Panzergranate

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Re: Federation reference Series Clippers and other ships
« Reply #27 on: December 16, 2011, 11:55:49 am »
There is always the need for more interesting props to make game scenarios more varied and interesting.

For instance instead of yet another attack on some race's usual freighter why not a mining station, trading post, trawler, ore carrier, barge, transport, ferry or tanker??

I created a prison transport for a particular Orion Pirate jail break LAN scenario two years ago. Players had to secure the transport, along with the key prisoner to be rescued, and escape before the authorities prevented it. Some had to run interference. It took several attempts and much team discussion to eventually win and escape with the prison transport over the map edge. Six players, one cloaked LR+ each, AI authorities triggered on first hostilities against prison transport or escorts.... a lot of fun.

All of these have been modelled by someone or other and exist in all versions of SFC for downloading somewhere.

Most of my modelling comes from having to provide strategic objectives and facilities for LAN campaigns, including logistics support, smaller patrol, escort and perimeter action type vessels plus attempting to add in all the various things from SFB that were missing in SFC 1 (and other versions) such as various space mines.

I've always been interested in the "other" ships in any of the Star Trek timelines. In TOS, DS9, TNG and ENT many are just mentioned in canon either appearing as on screen communications, sound only communications or as a mention of "receiving a message from...." types of canon.

In one TOS episode the names and numbers of starships available in a sector only appear on a noticeboard on an office wall.

Still lots of stuff to be modelled....

The Klingons have many ways to fry a cat. I prefer to use an L7 Fast Battlecruiser!!