Mata, multiplayer Dynaverse is not currently available. Gamespy was needed for a networking function, but now Gamespy is dead. There may be a way to replace Gamespy for SFC: Community Edition, but this hasn't been done yet. I have no idea when this will happen...maybe next month, maybe next year, perhaps never. The keepers of the source code are all volunteers, so the timetable is unpredictable.
I suspect that multiplayer Dynaverse for Orion Pirates is not going to resume. I am hopeful, however, that Dynaverse will be available for Community Edition.
In the meantime, EagleEye and I are starting a campaign. You are welcome to join.
I do play EAW and OP on Gameranger. I play SFC:CE on EvolveHQ. My handle is "TarMinyatur".