Topic: Updating SFCOP for 2011/2012  (Read 1977 times)

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Offline matchbox2022

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Updating SFCOP for 2011/2012
« on: March 17, 2012, 08:40:48 pm »
Hey guys, so I know a lot of total conversions have been done on this game. All I'm trying to do is basically pool models together, some with some without textures, break models, hardpoints, and trying to keep stuff to pre-tos, tos, tmp, and just entering tng.

I have a sample of what I mean by updated graphics. If you lower your gamma it looks better but I made sure it looked good on standard brightnesses and colour profiles. Also managed to center stuff better.
This pack includes plasma that looks like fire (which has already been done), new heavy photons and an epic explosion (the ship looks like a nuke went off when it blows), looks fu**ing fantastic when you're a little ship close to a big one that novas.

Also included a starbase which is as big as the one in bridge commander to scale, you can even fly inside it. (It's simply converted from BC to .mod), be sure to import the shipedit file into your shiplist so it looks realistic
Adds a lot of interestingness to scenarios, quite cool to see photons that do not miss from the starbase (it'll show range zero, but the shields are actually about 50 ish away from the base), and being able to fly around inside and go out the main doors.

I've quite enjoyed this little gem I made, more to come as a model pack with optional import files to your shiplist & the original shiplist I used(so you don't have to go replacing it).

There's a lot of fx0 files in there, the one used is just fx0 and fx1. However feel free to play with the other fx0 by renaming them. They are all quite good though, the other files have more colour as opposed to a larger explosion. The screenshot shows fx1 and fx0smaller.

Had a couple questions too. One related one not.

I've been playing with ridiculous internals for hull to make ships tougher.....either shipedit's not working, or the ships seem pretty much as tough as before, they still loose systems fairly quickly and don't take forever to blow up....somehow I recall this shouldn't be happening and unsure if I've effed my shiplist somehow.

Second, does anyone still play multiplayer pvp on this? Wouldn't mind a match, just need to know if I need the DLL updater and which shiplists.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2012, 04:30:06 am by matchbox2022 »

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Re: Updating SFCOP for 2011/2012
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2012, 09:53:10 pm »
Neither of the links worked for me, could be me as this PC as I use it for work is behind two firewalls.

it is Kligon Fanatic, Models Please or Fallen Warrior that have the most models hidding about, if you are looking for something in particular someone usually has it or knows the modeller who made it.

Hull alone will not make a ship last longer, it helps, the hit tables allow for more being damaged than just that. The column you want to increase would be excess damage to stop the ship from going boom as fast.

I know a few still do and some have even come back, they don't use Gamespy or what ever it was to much anymore they moved over to another hosting service. Use the main forum to search for the answers and ask there. I don't remeber who it was that gave the info the last time or I would just had you PM them to get the answer, but yes ppl still do play PvP
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Offline matchbox2022

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Re: Updating SFCOP for 2011/2012
« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2012, 04:29:38 am »
Thanks for the info.

I'll look into PvP pretty soon, school's out for me yo!! :P Though I am dating someone, girls + SFC just isn't a match in heaven.
I can't do ANY sfc modding or pvp since I'm on a windows 7 netbook right now, well maybe pvp but I heard there were serious problems on it, and my software won't work / this netbook can't handle it. My laptop decided to explode, will be fixing it though, can't unlove xp.

Umm OK, so, I got the file up on filefront and it works now. it's the sexplosions mod, I'm gonna keep making it better, it's made explosions so much more fantastic for me thus far, at one point literally making my eyes pop when it was frigate to frigate with my lights out thinking sh*t that was bright.

working link currently;

-Smaller epic explosion with hotspots "fx0smaller"
-Huge ass nova explosion
-Exterior Ship Fires (just red plasma)
-new heavyphotons "sharper" look
-slightly reddened phasers
-probes are changed due to sharing fx0.bmp, all looks better on lower gamma settings but still looks good on gamma up to around 1.2ish.

As always backup! The starbase interior isn't working quite right, guess that's what happens when models are huge. I'll release it later.

Please people feedback is important. I know there's an issue with the larger explosion having some blockyness, this'll be corrected when my 'real' lappy is purring again.

However for the ship exploding business...I really like having a ship get to the point of no lock blipping above on the hud and being totally damaged and fubared. Is there a way to make a shiplist favour that more than usual? (other than having little sensors, I'm going for all weapons gone, no sensors, and still alive for a while ;P, the experience you know of utter doom) What would be cool is having a ship pre-damaged, and I thought there was a way to make that happen in the shiplist due to a glitch, but haven't been able to recreate it with SFCOP latest patch...that or I can't remember how it's done, smth about bpv mismatch?
For the record, I did try the excess damage in shipedit, however going up to an 18 (shipedits limit) seems to not quite do it.
EDIT: something to do with this threadish...,163390960.0.html
« Last Edit: April 03, 2012, 04:55:46 am by matchbox2022 »