Hello, I am Rellik, AKA Rel.
I am a modder of the game Star trek Bridge Commander. I used to help mod a ship in the past, known by the anonymous, who made the Ambassador from Hell Deathship * I made the one hit death torpedo :3* However after dealing with the final year of high School, I havent touched BC for a yr, which caused me to forget and make new notes.
I mostly go for torpedoes, but at this rate, I made a few ships as a start, one of which was a reconversion of Antivyrus's Version of the Famed Battleship from Klingon Academy as a little experiment: The Yamato Class Experimental Battleship.
The ship become a big success after a couple detours I had to deal with thanks to a few new friends I made,esp. with ship glows and Assault Phaser placement *Yes it has that*. However, I still have one more Detour: The Yamato class is now privately owned without release, and I wished to Release this ship to BC, but Anti is nowhere to be found. I've looked everywhere without any clue or sighting, until Daihak aided me by pointing me here.
So, as a last effort with a prayer, I ask of you Antivyrus, If you are still around the modding business, I ask of you Permission to Release the Yamato into the BC Community. You and Daihak will be creditted for it's creation, as I am a man of my word.
PS: a couple Sweet shot previews

Also, If I tend to break a rule or 2 in doing this, I'm sorry as I'm noob here. Please dont kill me for being curteous lol.