Topic: Planet Uranus for SFC 1.  (Read 6622 times)

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Offline Panzergranate

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Planet Uranus for SFC 1.
« on: November 20, 2011, 02:08:26 pm »
I made this last year as nobdy else has bothered to make a model of Uranus. Textures are courtesy of NASA which I modified and attached to the Taldren stock Dark Earth planet and then tilted to the appropriate angle.

Uranus has historically been the popular butt of school boy and astronomy jokes for a very long time.

There's piles of jokes in fact....

Some scientists attempt to promote a mispronouncation of Uranus, which is "Ur-an-us" and not as the original Roman pronounciation of their god's name of "Yor-anus".

Uranus is a frozen world at the outer limits of the solar system. It has an atmosphere of Methane (stop sniggering!!) and when NASA reported that they had discovered brown rings around Uranus the comedy value was not lost to the public.

Despite this Uranus is a very beautiful planet to behold.

No moons (or Assteroids) have been discovered, as yet, in the planet's orbit. No doubt they will refered to as "The Haemaroids" by the public, if they do exist.

So if you've ever wanted to battle Klingons around Uranus and wipe them out, now's your chance....

« Last Edit: November 21, 2011, 09:37:17 am by Panzergranate »
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Offline Centurus

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Re: Planet Uranus for SFC 1.
« Reply #1 on: November 20, 2011, 03:00:19 pm »
Wipe them ou huh? Better than blowing them.....up I mean.
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Offline Starfox1701

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Re: Planet Uranus for SFC 1.
« Reply #2 on: November 21, 2011, 05:17:42 pm »
So if you've ever wanted to battle Klingons around Uranus and wipe them out, now's your chance....


Offline knightstorm

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Re: Planet Uranus for SFC 1.
« Reply #3 on: November 21, 2011, 05:30:13 pm »

No moons (or Assteroids) have been discovered, as yet, in the planet's orbit. No doubt they will refered to as "The Haemaroids" by the public, if they do exist.

Its a nice model, but what are you talking about, Uranus has 27 moons.

Edit: Please don't try to twist my statement about Uranus' satellites into something twisted, I'm talking to you Centaur.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2011, 09:24:10 pm by knightstorm »

Offline Centurus

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Re: Planet Uranus for SFC 1.
« Reply #4 on: November 22, 2011, 08:36:18 am »
Me or someone else?  *scratches head*
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Offline Panzergranate

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Re: Planet Uranus for SFC 1.
« Reply #5 on: November 22, 2011, 09:57:24 am »
So it is inevitable that somebody will eventually post a thread titled "NASA probes Uranus's haemaroids...." when a mission is launched.

Better still "NASA searches for extraterrestial life around Uranus"....

Shakesphere's "A Midsummer Night's Dream" does have a character called "Bottom" in it, so is obviously a tongue in cheek reason for the theme regarding the naming of the moons of Uranus.

Rumours abound that raw deposits of the metals Crapite and sh*teium 90 might be found there. So far these metal can only be found on Earth in Chinese made motorcycles, lawnmowers and chainsaws. It is used mainly in the powerplants.

Crapite is a weak alluminium like metal that turn to a metalic putty when in contact with tools or repeated use in machinery. It was originally only used in Japanese posidrive screws on 1970's and 1980's motorcycles, cars, lawnmowers and chainsaws. It was designed to react immediately it contacted a chrome valadium screw driver tip.

sh*teium 90 is a steel substitute metal, developed by the Chinese, that decays and turns into Crapite after the 90 day warranty has expired. Used primarily in Chinese 125cc motorcycle engine valves and gears. Also found in other Chinese made powerplants.

Currently the secret process that the Chinese use involves recycling allumium alloys and steel repeatedly until so many impurities set in that either Crapite or sh*teium 90 is produced.

The technology is unknown to western science.

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Offline E_Look

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Re: Planet Uranus for SFC 1.
« Reply #6 on: November 22, 2011, 09:38:16 pm »
Hey!  I haven't posted, lurked, nor well... anything!... here at Dynaverse in a very, very long time.  I am in the middle of something I need a break from, and decided just for laughs to pop in and see what was up...

... and holy smoke, you guys are STILL at it, making models, and not for any fancy schmancy SFC4 or SFC312, but for good ol' SFC1!  In fact, due to having to get new computers, etc., over the years, all the SFCs, except SFC1 are gone from my hard drive (SFC1 has some of the coolest standalone missions; I just worry how many more computer generations it can survive, as I'm still using an Athlon 64 with WinXP  ::).).  Now, I don't really play it anymore, except to start a skirmish just to blow off some steam, for a whopping few minutes.

In fact, I've downloaded this Uranus model, and a few others here on this Final Products page of the Modeling Forum.  I wonder if one of my favorite modelers, making my favorite model products, Wicked Zombie is still at it?  His site is still open for business, or so it seems.  I hope he's like you guys, still going strong.

So, my compliments and best wishes to you fine artists for keeping the modeling, your skills, and your art going, and strong, at that!

Continue to beautify the world and enjoy yourselves.  SFC; all of them, what a great game, really!  Maybe I'll pop in again sometime when there's time (hah, like when??).

Offline Panzergranate

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Re: Planet Uranus for SFC 1.
« Reply #7 on: November 23, 2011, 12:08:46 pm »
Just do what I do here, keep old laptops and older machines around just for playing SFC 1 on LAN with a few friends.

At the moment I'm sat here surrounded by quite a few stored away gaming PCs plus this and another one that is running "X-Com UFO Defence" at the moment. I also have an old Mac LC 2 plus my old Quadra 660 tucked away in the corner. I tend not to throw away my old computers. I keep my favourite classic games on them.

How many folks do you know that would both to repair and restore an old hernia inducing Compaq Lugable?? A future museum piece and has built in anti-theft technology.... its too fecking heavy to run off with!!
I also have a Compaq Portable III 286.... the first PC with plasma screen and Sim strip memory. Opens up like something a Star Trek science party would use. Ah the days before laptops....

Updating a dedicated older machine, like a P3 - 500 Mhz., that's equiped with a good video card can easily cope with the high poly models that are out there now. It depends on the motherboard's support chips. The best P3's seem to be Gateway as we use two here. One replaced a Lex P3 - 500 Mhz. and is definately far superiour in throughput speed despite an identical processor. Of course it might be just the fact that the Gateway's can take modern video graphics cards and the Lex couldn't (no slot). I'm typing this on a Gateway 500 LS at the moment.

Operating system of choice for LAN SFC gaming is Windows ME (Migraine Edition) as XP tends to crash a lot and has issues, Vista runs SFC perfectly but we have to wait too long for it to finish starting up and Windows 7 requires having the computer facing towards Seatle, saying Bill Gate's name backwards 10 times, standing on on foot whilst drinking a glass of water without using your hands.... and thats just to make it run the install disc for SFC 1 without freaking out.

As for running the game without suddenly dropping out of the LAN game for no reason.... well we've given up on using Windows 7 for SFC 1 as it wastes the entire evening or afternoon pissing around with it.

So the its Windows ME mainly for SFC 1 LAN gaming here. Simply fire up all the machines, wait 3 minutes, click on the SFC 1.03 icon, wait 3 minutes, go to mulitplayer, select scenario, everybody logged in and off we go....

Updates of new models is done by memory sticks. In some instances the entire game is run off of the memory stick and not the hard drive. My son prefers this method.
I would like to try LAN and WAN linked gaming on SFC 1 but we've not tried hosting like that yet. The game allows peer to peer over WAN but I'm not sure if it would be possible to host a LAN game here with a WAN "guest" player also involved, especially some of the more epic battles. The biggest problem would be providing them with a copy our model library.... its a hell of a lot of stuff to send over the internet in one hit.

The Klingons have many ways to fry a cat. I prefer to use an L7 Fast Battlecruiser!!

Offline Terradyhne

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Re: Planet Uranus for SFC 1.
« Reply #8 on: November 24, 2011, 08:45:12 am »
lol, SFC1 2 and OP run fine under my Win7 with servicepack one and the compatibality mode set to WinXP service pack 2  ;D

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Re: Planet Uranus for SFC 1.
« Reply #9 on: November 24, 2011, 08:00:36 pm »
It's the campaigns online that are the problems, unfortunately.

I run SFC series on my Windows 98 box without a single friggin problem.


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