Topic: SFC OP w/ 2552 patch Single player  (Read 4049 times)

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Offline acerr68

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SFC OP w/ 2552 patch Single player
« on: October 17, 2011, 06:32:17 pm »
Im playing SFC OP w the 2552 patch...Im playing the single player campaign...WHY THE HELL CANNOT I NOT GET MY A.I. controlled ships to "warp" out with me...when I get close to the edge of the "map" mY A.I. ships turn back to the "enemy" even tho we are outnumbered, outgunned and damaged...

how the hell do you get your AI ships to actually follow "orders" ???

over half the time they leave formation and fly into the middle of a pack of hostiles, drop their shields to board hostiles or launch TBombs...or come to a complete stop to launch a "decoy shuttle" ... Ive had to "forfiet" numerous missions because my AI ships are demon possessed and have a death wish...WTF....!!!!!

I try issuing the FLEE command...and my AI ships seem to hesitate about turning back...and then...the "captains" say aw F&ck it...we dont want to live forever, turn back an attack 2-3 B-11 BB's that are undamaged and fully loaded...

Who the F wrote that A.I.   Al Gore Ithim...???

Offline Brush Wolf

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Re: SFC OP w/ 2552 patch Single player
« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2011, 06:36:11 pm »
Unfortunately AI stands for Artificial idiot. The workaround is to switch into the remaining ships after you warp with your main. After warping with the second do the same for the third if you have one.
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Offline acerr68

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Re: SFC OP w/ 2552 patch Single player
« Reply #2 on: October 17, 2011, 09:42:55 pm »
DAMN...thatz what I thought someone was gonna say...I already do that...switching from one ship to the other to WARP out..but often that simply isnt good enuff...

I wonder if any of the programming wizards at DYNAVERSE are considering an A.I. patch or complete overhaul...

I would think it wouldnt be to hard for an experienced programmer to remove what ever lines of CODE tell your A.I. ships not to cross the map boundary with you...

I have noted that the FLEE command causes the A.I. ships to accelerate to max speed...gonna have to watch and see...but I bet when u issue the FLEE command to A.I. ships they accelerate towards the nearst "friendly" map border...   THAT WOULD AT LEAST MAKE SOME SENSE ...

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Re: SFC OP w/ 2552 patch Single player
« Reply #3 on: October 17, 2011, 10:49:42 pm »
I've never noticed the "Flee" command to do anything more than accelerate to best possible speed.

Don't get me wrong, I find the command useful enough to have it mapped to my keyboard, but I've never notice it do anything with the AI.
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Offline acerr68

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Re: SFC OP w/ 2552 patch Single player
« Reply #4 on: October 18, 2011, 07:52:28 pm »
YEP...after further review...your right...the FLEE cmmnd simply has U and your AI ships accelerate to max speed...tho, they sometimes seem to stop following your "ship" after that command is given...

Some really ODD brainfarts in this games programming...Ive played the original SFC and SFC OP and both seem to have been "rushed" to the market with many loose ends left......well..... "loose" ....


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Re: SFC OP w/ 2552 patch Single player
« Reply #5 on: October 18, 2011, 08:19:09 pm »
YEP...after further review...your right...the FLEE cmmnd simply has U and your AI ships accelerate to max speed...tho, they sometimes seem to stop following your "ship" after that command is given...

Some really ODD brainfarts in this games programming...Ive played the original SFC and SFC OP and both seem to have been "rushed" to the market with many loose ends left......well..... "loose" ....

Its not much of a secret the coding of the game is pretty heavy, even to those of us who are good in C/C++, leading to these odd and buggy errors, it unfortunatly happens though when you mix coding and business
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Offline acerr68

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Re: SFC OP w/ 2552 patch Single player
« Reply #6 on: October 18, 2011, 11:08:21 pm »
Point Taken...I remember learning BASIC back in the early 80's and thinking that was tuff...course I was only 11 or 12 then...and I was never good with MATH...

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Re: SFC OP w/ 2552 patch Single player
« Reply #7 on: October 19, 2011, 01:30:23 am »
The AI section is also very segmented out with some constraints on how it runs so oddities will work there way in.  They should be able to be ironed out, but each change in one AI section can cascade so it takes some thought on the fixes not to add other problems.  But giving the retreat order should be able to get the AI ships to disengage.  (Got me thinking now, grrr)
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Offline acerr68

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Re: SFC OP w/ 2552 patch Single player
« Reply #8 on: October 20, 2011, 10:19:04 pm »
where is this "RETREAT" order...I dont see it on the "HOTKEYS" list...