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Why flying a borg cube is nothing for me.

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Borg Cubes are the most fearful ships in the game. No sane person would take on a player borg cube alone, so if you, as borg cube attack a single player, they will do HET, activate cloak (if they have it) and warp out. The only time you get a real good fight is when they come and get you with multiple DN's and they wouldn't attack you if they knew they had no chance.
That's why i think flying a cube is boring, the only things to shoot are AI, who are to dumb to flee. You can't even get a decent pvp-battle most of the time and. Not that i actually fly borg (their ships don't even look nice ), but i can't imagine why flying such a thing would be fun at all.


  As a Borg player myself, I have yet to get the chance of flying a Cube.  If the server admins ever lower the insane cost of them I'd like to have that chance... Now if only they address the Warp Core issues, and give Borg all its powers that would be cool....


I fly in a sphere and there's only about 3 people in act C who would actually duel with me.  Besides them, i've had fleets of 2 CA's and a DN run from me (all human), the only other type of 'people' who actually confront me are the ones with 2+ sovs in their fleet (both human)....

so it's a boring life... all I do is attack planets over.. and over.. and over again.  Given that the borg are outnumbered on act C, there's 2-3 of us turning planets while the horde of klingons and feds turn them right back.  Can't engage them due to them warping out...  *sigh*.....

And if I could actually HIT something with that plasma i'd be rom

well... if I wasn't 'stuck in battle' that would help too

Max zero:
I know the feeling. Once your in Sphere or better getting anyone to duel 1 v 1 is a chore. Hell any type of duel is hard to get. Short of being completely outclassed, 3 v 1 etc.

Most Borg players go for the Cube because there is nothing else to do. Taking planets over and over is boring.

I guess there is a problem of being too scary.



I know the feeling. Once your in Sphere or better getting anyone to duel 1 v 1 is a chore.

--- End quote ---

Hopefully the patch will address the two main issues that keep some (at least me) from engaging the Borg (Human Cube):
* Cube ram (Borg warp rams then grabs you with "unbreakable" autotractor)
* Big prestige hit in D3 for loosing your ship    


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