Has anyone else noticed this?
No offense meant, but I laughed out loud when I read this

To me, the re-use of effects is part and parcel of the Styrofoam rocks, costume armor made of placemats and several planets that look just like Vasquez Rocks in LA...
they did what they could with the budget they had "Cheapo" is kinda a harsh, arm-chair criticism of the reality of television production that exends through all of series'. No matter how much improved the effects get, every show got to the point of cutting corners, and hopefully, (and in their defense, usually) doing it in a way that only us obsessed fans notice after multiple viewings.
I mean, it's not like they're "trying to pull a fast one on us." They're making a show with what they've got. I just read a great quote from Lorne Michaels said about Sat. Night Live, "The show doesn't go on because it's ready, it goes on because it's 11:30." At some point or another, the show must go on, no other way to put it.
Personally I've really enjoyed the Blu-rays os TOS, two reasons being that A) they did a awesome job redoing the effects digitally, and B) with a click of a button, I can see the original effects..