Bonk, I had hoped to spare you this embarrassment, but you continue to act as you are. Very well. I have said it before, and I will say it again,
NO ONE is above the "Law" in these forums - Admins / moderators / users alike. We are all equal on these forums, and as such I hold my moderators and Admins to a higher standard.
As you very well know, you have been banned from D.Net for your continued refusal to comply with the decision of the Moderators on this forum. Whether this ban becomes permanent remains in your hands.
I feel the reason is compelling in it's telling, as it's applicable to your current behavior.
1.) Abuse of the moderators powers in banning someone who had no previous ban before them, and ignoring COMPLETELY the rules and regulations set forth that YOU AGREED BY when you were welcomed back after your last implosion.
2.) Personal attacks, defaming, and otherwise insulting directly a member of this forum in good standing.
You were informed of this ban, and the content in question was removed from public view. You then chose to circumnavigate the ban and register another user account, then highjacked a thread that was completely unrelated to the one in which you were banned, save that another user had posted there that had posted in the thread you got your ban for.
Obviously, this was..
3.) Baiting, and trolling
4.) Purposefully circumnavigating a ban for the express purpose of posting when you were not allowed to post.
The very FACT that you CONTINUE to circumnavigate this ban (which was initially a 5 day ban per our decision as you outright cussed someone out on the public forums) and post this type of stuff is further evidence of your instability and mental state.
Here are the facts:
D.Net and it's team will never, would never, and could never, support anything that has to do with murding millions, or just murdering one person. When someone posts on these forums, it's THEIR opinion, and Dynaverse.Net (nor any of it's affiliates) doesn't imply supporting these ideals simply because we exercise limited free speech in our forums to encourage good discussions and allow them to remain.
We have numerous forums designed for just that - open discussions in a mature and non-biased manner - yet all would do well to remember that this ISN'T a place were free space reigns supreme. You, *points to himself, too*, you and you ... all of us agreed to these terms when we joined - that this was a private forum and ultimately we reserved the right to determine the content was inline with the purpose of the site. We've allowed our community to grow beyond the initial constraints and beyond them, becoming what I think Gene would have loved to see ... peoples of all nationalities coming together to work on something they love.
What you are doing Bonk (SomeDude, NOABUSE) - you are trying to start a crusade to fight the "obvious" CORRUPTNESS in the POLICE WORLDWIDE, starting in Canada. You are proposing legislation (forgive if that's not the right word in Cananda, eh?

yet you cannot follow the rules of this forum (which you helped create, btw

TBH, you've done everything you could do to burn each and every bridge you said you worked so hard on re-building... and we've been through this before, haven't we? In truth, we've been through it
several times. Everyone saw it coming, hoped it wouldn't, but it did.
Now your trying to login to the servers and delete the work you did for the community. Your trying to gain access to continue your personal crusade that now directed at D.Net because we .. we what?
What did we do, Bonk ? Support you? Provide you with the resources you requested and support to see if you'd actually deliver this time on the promises you've made previously, on numerous occassions?
It's quite a shame really, but if you look back on the history - each time "everything was fixed" or about to be you implode and seem to loose touch with reality. I'm starting to doubt anything was fixed by you at all, or wondering atleast.
The wonderful thing is, your just one person Bonk. We've done fine the last three times you lost your mind for one reason or another, and we'll do fine this time.
Just keep posting, keep creating new accounts, keep proving what I'm saying is TRUE.
I'm sure that will swing even more people over to your side for your big march.
