BSG peeps killed Stargate and its movies. I hope they don't kill ST more than all the rest already have. 
But plenty of sci-fi fans on plenty of message boards would say anyone connected to NuBSG would instantly make the show great! Because apparently people like suffering, hatred, adultary, depression....
Y'know, I thought the 2009 movie was the definition of return to roots. Ditch the technobabble, eject the political correctness and moral-anvil throwing and give us a romp in space against aliens and evil powers. Redshirts die, Bones is sarcastic, Spock is logical, and Kirk is brave, bold, and bedding alien women. Star Trek for me was all about the adventure, not the message. Trek 11 was golden in this regard and brought back what I thought was great in Star Trek.
When I read the initial announcement and how these creators are proclaiming to themselves they are returning to roots- in light of how successful Trek 11 was- it made me cringe. In my view, their opinion of where the 'roots' are lay in TNG. This means political correctness, moral anvils, stale plots, pushing the limits of entertainment for moral messages... the same crap that rotted so badly it sunk Enterprise in the end and took the show off the air, almost for good. It's as if they ignored why Trek 11 had such a massive turnout and was popular with everybody.
I did not cry or shed a tear when B&B's monster finally sunk beneath the waves and Trek 11 danced on it's grave. I said good riddence. I was looking forward to a new and hip trek that did what I thought it should have been doing in the first place. Now it looks like the zombie of berman's trek is reaching out from the grave, risen by a cult of the undead who like this kind of naval-gazing crap.

Yes I'm over-reacting but the core thought is there. It seems to me they think they're doing fans a service by continuing the berman-era trek. I don't want to see this happen, because I want to be interested in new Star Trek productions and not bored or disappointed out of my mind.
You know what I'd like to see? 2280 (TMP), klingon border. Starship is a Miranda class given to a swashbuckling captain whose already on the bad side of the local starbase commander. On the edge of Federation space and far from central authority, our captain often has to take matters into his own hands and enforce the law- not always to Federation regs- in the name of doing the right thing and getting things done. One of his adversaries is a suave and cunning Klingon Commander, who always minces words with our hero even at diplomatic callings.
On top of trying to prevent war, probe the unknown, and stop pirates and smugglers, his own starbase commander is formulating a plot in season 1 to get the captain killed in what would apparently be an accident. Season 1 would not end with the court-marshal of the base captain, but give him an opportunity to strike again later on.
Throughout the serial show would be heavy references to the TOS era of trek (Perhaps a Venus Drug ring, The first Hortas in starfleet, diplomatic crises with the Gorn...), and combined with horatio hornblower stories mixed with a dose of pragmatism. You'd have episodes paralleling events in the TMP movies (Our hero ship interfering an early attempt from Kruge to steal Genesis? Giving begrudging assistance to the disabled Klingon ships and protecting them from privateers during the Whale probe crisis? Ferrying the Romulan Ambassador to Earth for the Khitomer conference?)
It would be the last days of the frontier from TOS, but long before the yawning pajama-wearing days of TNG. It would be like the Cold War again, where the threat of war is always on the horizon but diplomatic clout is causing people to suffer.
If I knew I'd get a shot at it I'd go write the premise and the first story outline in a heartbeat to pitch to the suits. But because it wouldn't be full of flowers and political correctness messages (and no token minority characters), I wouldn't stand a chance. Not to mention I wouldn't have the "qualifications" that the series producers would be looking for. Ughf.