Topic: Lost of Datas  (Read 1327 times)

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Offline Don Karnage

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Lost of Datas
« on: September 09, 2011, 05:05:12 pm »
Hello all.

I'm only half back and i was looking at my stuff to find out that i lost 98%of all my sfc data. I did have some back up but i lost the cd's. Including the cd's game for EAW and OP. I only have sfc1 cd and a few data. By data i mean ship .mod for the games.

its fustrating to find that all you're hard work is lost.

I was away since june 2009 and i was out in febuary for 3 weeks and finaly out in june.

Untill i get a new com, i wont be able to donwload anything and get back the game.