Topic: Seeking dog advice  (Read 1818 times)

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Offline NJAntman

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Seeking dog advice
« on: July 12, 2011, 01:49:46 pm »
About to take the insane plunge into doggy ownership. Promised the boys when our youngest got to be at least five they could have a puppy.

Getting a female Labrador/Weimaraner mix. Born June 13 and eating wet food already but we don't have to take it for at least another week. Got nothing here except a moderate sized back yard. Some dog owning friends have offered up kennel cages for starting her off in. Going to try to keep her as an inside dog if possible.

Advice? Tips? Tricks? Shortcuts? Meds for me?
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Offline FRA.E.Kehakoul_XC

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Re: Seeking dog advice
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2011, 02:42:09 pm »
First thoughts ,
expect the unexpected , dogs that young will chew on everything they find,  from shoes to power lines  to toys edges of table feet pillars etc,.. so you need to survive that phase and your shoes by having a high awareness in that regard.
Getting them room clean is another thing you got to have an eye on.
Despite all of these hazards i never would  rise a dog outside , we always  had them in the house  for as long as they lived.
In the end there is the question  of what you want ,a guard dog or a vivid,enriching companion for the daily life or a sled hound you wouldn't and couldn't ever put in a house etc.
In any case it will change your life if hadn't a dog before i bet.:)

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Re: Seeking dog advice
« Reply #2 on: July 12, 2011, 02:46:55 pm »
Kennel cages are a good starter, especially when you leave her for an extended period of time.  All dogs will chew on things, you just need to get her to know what is hers to chew on and what isn't.  If you need to leave her alone, put her in the kennel.  After a while you can leave her out in the house if your going on short trips.  Just make sure you inspect the house immediately upon return, if you find something that she did, confront her immediately.  Dogs have a rather short term memory if you don't catch them and reinforce it.  Do it enough times and she will commit it to longer term memory.

By keeping her in a kennel it will help in housebreaking, as dogs do not like to lie in their own waste.  (they'll go if they have no choice, but they'll hold it for as long as they can)  When you get home from any long trip, take her out back and encourage her to do her business, let her wander for up to ten minutes, usually if she hasn't gone by then she doesn't have to go.  It would be best to take her out directly from the kennel, and reward her for doing it. 

Eventually if you keep up on that she'll know where its ok to go and and where its not, what's ok to chew and what's not.  It will take some time, but you should be able to do away with the kennel entirely at some point.

Now as for meds... having a dog means that you will always have the equivalent of a three year old child in the house, but if you train her right, the biggest problem you're going to have is who is she going to sleep with at night.   Good luck.
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Offline Starfox1701

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Re: Seeking dog advice
« Reply #3 on: July 12, 2011, 03:08:58 pm »
Also she will be a good sized dog that will need alot of exercise. so plan for out side run around time and/or long walks. ;D

Offline Kreeargh

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Re: Seeking dog advice
« Reply #4 on: July 12, 2011, 11:34:45 pm »
I have raised 4 labs in my life so far. They need to run and play for the day and love at night. I have never used a kennel nor think a dog needs it . Think your dog as another child in your famaly and treat him/her as so it will be a part of the famaly. Pups are as kids they break things till they learn not to. Give em toys to chew on and work on that.  :crazy2: Dont cage them unless you are going away. Fear is the - dont make them fear you make them respect you and love you.
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Re: Seeking dog advice
« Reply #5 on: July 16, 2011, 12:56:11 pm »
I hope you have a very big yard for that dog to play in.

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Offline NJAntman

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Re: Seeking dog advice
« Reply #6 on: August 05, 2011, 08:44:56 pm »
Hail to the Queen, Koda.
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