Modelers should engage in a discussion about how they can better serve their own community than their own vanity.
I do not do this out of vanity - no one here does. If we did we wouldn't have been here for as many years as we have been. I do this because I enjoy it - it's fun for me and I'd rather give people the opportunity to share what I've had fun creating than hoard it for myself.
Releasing huge poly models with big textures and no LoD's without a warning to the user that this can adversely affect their game is irresponsible and negligent.
My counter-argument is a reductio ad absurdum
its the same thing. I can't be held responsible for user stupidity.
I think Tus has a point: its a labor of love - if I'm getting paid or even just part of a well-organized, well-run team, then I'll follow standards that are agreed upon beforehand, but on my own time and in my own way I will execute it how I want. That isn't vanity, its just that making models is hard work and, for some of us, has a high burn-out rate (especially myself).
It is up to the modelers if they care 2 cents about this community to try and fix a wrong. I dont see anything negative about talking about how we can, as a community, make tthis experience better for everyone.
I like the notion, except it is up to ALL members of the community to discuss (the burden does not reside entirely on modellers), but I don't think this is an absolute Wrong that needs fixing. I don't think including LoDs is as a huge disservice to the entire community as you seem to think it is.
This thread and my posts are not about the lunacy of poly count models, rather it is a discussion of the OP's question, "Not many modelers make them any more but i was wondering for the future of sfc if they are worth the effort to make them now ?" of how the future of SFC makes it worth the effort to adress this issue.
On this you are absolutely right. However, I still feel as if my previous statements in this thread are perfectly valid. Increased hardware performance puts less of an emphasis on the NEED for LoDs - how much of a reduction of need is not something I can quantify off-hand.
For the record, I fly with fleets of ships that have 10k-poly battleships, 8k-poly cruisers, and 800-poly fighters and I've never experienced a problem and I run on a 4-year-old laptop.
Would a model benefit from a set of LoDs? Always.
Is that advantage worth the extra effort? Not Always.
I know what it takes to make a quality model and I'm not going to bemoan a modeler for not including a
potentially optional feature - Especially when that effort is going to add another 25-50% of a workload on that one person.
If we agree on a guideline to use and petition all the modelers to follow it I think it will positively impact the community.
Again: I like the sentiment but I feel like its impractical. What we have nowadays is a more independent group of people who are more inclined to do their own thing - which is perfectly fine. If there were an interest in reforming a Dominion of Modellers like back in the p81, Maggot, and Moonraker days, then you might have a point.
I can tell you this: any 3D assets that may be included in a graphically-revamped sfc:ce (when we get to that point)
WILL have LODs. The distinction there is that it will be a starting point, not optional add-ons like what the community has produced so far. In that lies the difference.
Allow me to put it another way: If I build a team or are part of a distinct team, I can work with that team to set creative policy for that team. I can't set creative policy for the community as a whole.
As for the LoD debate on should they be included or not. I personally would like to see them in there, but as stated it is the modellers choice.
I completely agree. I actually would LOVE to have LODs for all my models, hypocritical as it may seem since none of my current releases have them. As I said, its arduous work that increases effort requirements from about 25-50% (though, in fairness, I may have found a workflow that will reduce that significantly).