Greeting all,
I am glad to see that there is still a group out here keeping SFC alive. That being said, I use to play SFB back in the day and then all SFC games so I am getting back into it now and need some help.
1. I have installed SFC OP and followed the instructions in another post for getting it to run in Windows 7 and then installed patch. So far so good.
2. Now I am at the point for installing the mod's I have read about. Which mod actively has a live server for SFC OP?
3. What are the differences between Firesoul's and Strayy's Mod?
4. Is there Vent or Teamspeak I can connect to?
I am very eager to get started it been so long. Sadly Star Trek Online was a huge disappointment for me
, once everyone started referring to their ships as Tank's, Healer's, and DPS
I got the hell out of there and haven't been back since. I just did not want to play WoW in space.
EagleEye <S>