Topic: =/\= dawn craft orbits vesta, technology derived from space exploration and NASA  (Read 2068 times)

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Offline stoneyface

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the first story today is one i have been following for a few years now. the NASA craft "dawn" has a mission to explore the asteroid belt. it's first destination was to be the asteroid "vesta". after a burn from it's ion engine to slow down(yes, ion engine!), it has been confirmed that the craft is now in orbit of vesta! congrats to the team in charge and keep up the good work. check out the good article on it here:

next up is something that most people have never thought of and is also something that is almost never pointed out to budget committees and it really torques me off that they refuse to think about this subject. yes, space exploration is expensive but BUT! NASA has recorded over 1600 new technologies that were directly derived from space exploration! read about this amazing process in this awesome article here:
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Offline marstone

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. . . . sorry, had comment but will get bitched at for it.  So will just say. Don't agree, but not allowed to explain.
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Offline stoneyface

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BlackOps agent for XenoCorp...

"Sic gorgiamos allos subjectos nunc" - we gladly feast on those who would subdue us...

DMT = Load Universe into Cannon. Aim at Brain. Fire.   -Nietzsche was pietzsche-