well, I kinda feel too old to play these games. I'm single and can't seem to find a date. I've tried a few online dating sites (man, some of them rip off your money) and I have got to a few bars to try to pick up chicks (might try again soon) but my luck has been "0". So I feel kinda to old, at least you guys can play with your kids, I got no kids or a GF to play this game with.
It also don't help that I'm unemployed at this time. Trying to find work, but its tough.
Ouch. Sounds like life's got you on a down spell...

Look. I remember what you did. Surprised that a person with your talents hasn't found
something yet, but, then again, I know the economy sucks right now... Have you considered a change in scenery?
On an aside - maybe closer to topic actually - I've always played this game (and many others) with one rule in mind - everything in moderation. I fondly recall writing many a late-night strategy post while waiting for my youngest to wake up for her midnight snack, so that I could give wifey a break. Which is why I suck at PvP - avoided all the battles and went off on anti-AI runs so that I could care for the family. Still have issues devoting large blocks of time to games without a pause option (essentially most multiplayer stuff) because I frequently have to be ready to drop at a moment's notice to care for the clan. When life pays you back for all the torture it's putting you through now, you can rejoin the gang here and throw down with a match or two...
Here's hoping that the gang can get SFC and Win 7 happy together. Kids will kill me if I commandeer one of their computers that still have XP on them...