but FASA also lists cargo transporters too. But will drop off this topic, just i have always had problems with how FASA did things (comes from being a SFB player).
*shrug* you're right, FASA doesn't fit in a lot of cases, but yes, let's keep on topic here.
Bernard: you're using Scribus you said? *googles* I've been using InDesign for all my PDF efforts. Again: Norsehound has a much better eye for print than I do.
Okay, here's a couple points of C&C: Things need to be tightened up. There's a lot of wasted space, it seems. I'd use a quarter-inch space between each "block" I also wouldn't worry about trying to keep each entry to a single page. I'd make a couple block-layouts where you can have just a page of pure text, a page of a single side-view cross section and the rest is text, etc etc.
I'd try to stay away from Trek-like fonts for everything except headings and subheadings. Legibility is a big thing with body text and trek fonts aren't always so easy to make out at such small sizes (12pt or whatever the case may be). I like Trebuchet a lot for my body text, myself.
Edit 2: added examples of different layouts.
Alot to respond to
The 22 person emergency transporter is from the grandaddy of Star trek Technical Design Franz Joseph
After Looking at my first effort I proceeded to create a second example, but I Like what I'm seeing here with the small race logo on top and one thing we do need to leave at the bottom is a page indicator
Yes I agree that the my first example has a lot of wasted space and I need to tighten it up
how do you enjoy using In design is it open source ? Intutive to use? This is actually the most that I've done with Scribus, except for creating some Cover pages to Illustrate Anatomy of a Starship Series
Back to the topic at hand I'm thinking that going to a 2 page format would be the better route to go. The first page ship graphic and Specifications Second page Ship registry and Notes on this would Maximise the space for the graphic but still keep it interesting with specifications it also leaves more room for those Longer specifications when the ships start adding extra weapons such as phaser 3's, phaser G's, drone racks and other systems.
Also the font that I currently work with is Ariel, I find it easy to read but I understand that other people do have difficulty with it do we have any suggestions as to what I should be using.
We are going to need to have someone coordinate this Project. Its going to be a very big job.
Luc aka Firesoul had mentioned how many ships that there are in His modded ship list, there are quite a few
Some basic rules will have to be decided on, IE how we divide up the different era ships and what the Design Lineage (aka Look of the ships)
I've always looked at this as being Early era = TOS Design Lineage Middle era = TMP Design Advanced era = X-Ship.
Volunteers will be needed. Here is how I imagine how the members of this community can help out.
Project Manager this individual will have the final say in case of disputes.
For lack of a better title Advanced Starship Design Comittee This group of individuals
will look at ship models and decide which artists models make it into the book based
on certain critera. Critera to be decided.
Graphic guys to help in putting together the schematic views of the models.
Writers - to write up Specs Registrys and notes for those ships that we don't have any.
Researchers to dig up data and material to help the writers do thier job
Editors and proofreaders
Whoa the scope of this is making my head spin