Ohhhhhhhh i see a snap to real life stuff. I think about the pic with bush as vader oooooo not cool i think no matter!
Ahh NO. One of things that sucked about the prequels was Lucas' attempt to inject his tired left wing rhetoric into the film. There was no need for him to put Bush's words in Vader's mouth in ROTS, and Obi Wan's stupid reply was hypocritical. "only the sith deal in absolutes" THAT IS AN ABSOLUTE YOU &*(&(ing MORON!! My statement had nothing to do with Bush, it was merely an attempt to explain why the Storm troopers have armor which is clearly useless. Corruption has been an evil to be fought ever since we started using a professional military as opposed to having soldiers purchase their own gear.
sith dont care about funds they want power funds are part of power but with the sith funds are not needed
The sith don't care, but they rule the empire through officers and officials that are corrupt and/or incompotent.
most STORM troopers are NOT clones they are the same as our own military. Han solo was a storm trooper so far as i read
The clones i hope died out at some point. 
You shouldn't use anything you've read. Using the expanded universe chronology has several flaws. For one thing, it was started before the prequels, so when Lucas took things in a different direction, they started making really convoluted turns in order to try to reconcile themselves with the films. Also, its a different media with different needs. As a result, it is filled with super jedi who make me wonder why they needed a chosen one since there are so many who have more power in their pinky than Palpatine had in his whole body. There is nothing in the films to suggest that Han was a storm trooper, and nothing to suggest that the empire stopped using clones. I can't see the emperor abandoning the use of clones who are loyal solely to him in favor of an army of individuals who may be loyal to their homes and their families.