Perhaps "the VOICE" in my head is a more accurate description, it has been whispering to me with increasing regularity ever since i re-installed OP just to mess around with in the quieter moments .... the idea's keep coming and coming, been writing them down just incase the windows7 problems ever get resolved (fingers crossed) Been spending time pvp'in in other games, but nothing comes close to the intensity and sheer entertainment that SFC pvp had back in the day, i miss it too much to ignore the voice any longer ... help me make the whispering STOP ....someone point me to where i can find the needed utilities for making a campaign, i *might* still have them floating around on a disk somewhere here but just incase is there a handy little server kit package with the needed tools? I understand that running a campaign is probably NOT gonna happen until certain issue's are resolved one day, but it would be nice to have one ready and waiting incase that day does indeed come around.
Guess another good question would be are there enough players for a campaign still?
Help, make the VOICE go away, HE won't stop whispering.....