Topic: Now I am mad  (Read 12879 times)

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Re: Now I am mad
« Reply #20 on: September 01, 2011, 05:44:03 pm »

  EAW works as far as I know as there are no servers up for me to try, that is where I get the message in op when I try to log on to the forge Guys other wise I can play the singel player area it locks up when I try to leave but other than that I can play it.

I suspect there's either a possibility OP might be on a bad sector on the HDD or perhaps a RAM problem too, your locking up is not normal behavior either, and given it can not "detect" the EXE either... I not 100%, bonk may need to clarify for me, but the server reads the .exe from the HDD not memory right for validation, right? The locking up too could be an indication the drive couldnt grab the correct files off the drive either for display, if others say its reading from RAM then its more likely to be that however a RAM problem would probably affect a whole lot of other programs too,,

If possible maybe try running it from another drive, even a flash drive (Ive never tested it on a flash drive it might not work but in theory it should at least for test purposes)
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Re: Now I am mad
« Reply #21 on: September 01, 2011, 06:25:58 pm »
The Forge CE beta server has been reset and StarFleet2.exe (current beta build) replaced in the validatedclientfiles folder.

SFHQ, I'd have to look at the code, but I believe the server calcs the CRC32 for each file in the validatedclientfiles folder and stores them in memory (only reads the files on disk at startup) for comparison when the client sends their file CRCs. Similarly, I believe the client reads the files from disk. The values have to pass through memory at some point of course... but if I get where you're driving, I'm reasonably sure that the client does not CRC the running image of itself in memory, but rather the copy on disk, it it does not then it should and I will make it so in SFC:CE.

But the way to test the suggestion you make (bad sector) would simply to be to do a full scandisk with surface check. However I do not believe that is necessary, as during my remote session on deadmans machine, I renamed his original exe (thus still occupying the same place on disk) and placed a copy of the backup StarFleetOP.exe (2552) from our FTP. So the bad sector theory is out. (at least a bad sector in the region(s) that StarFleetOP.exe occupies)

Keep the theories coming though... I currently have no explanation for this one other than the theory that windows XP has changed somehow.

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Re: Now I am mad
« Reply #22 on: September 01, 2011, 06:45:04 pm »
from what I have seen of the CRC code it reads from disk, usually only once.  Exception being the shiplist/fighterlist so someone entering a server doesn't change the list after they get into the server.
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Re: Now I am mad
« Reply #23 on: September 02, 2011, 12:02:35 pm »
OK, that makes sense.. I still think it to be a hardware issue of some sorts, because if it was Windows XP other players would be having the same trouble. I would say it might be best to play around with as much hardware swapping as you can and see how it's going. The drives still hold the strongest signal to me given his additional behaviour of crash/lock-up on exit, as memory would be doing that to a lot of games other than OP if it was memory. Its possible though there is just something not right in some other random piece of the hardware though, indeed on my old Win XP computer I retired to home had serious software corruption a little while later because the 3.5" floppy drive began failing erratically, so chaotic signals were getting sent through the motherboard from it interfering with everything. While its probably not a floppy drive causing problems here I bring it up to say even if the hardware doesn't appear to have failed you never know until you play the hardware game, specifically the HDD.
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Re: Now I am mad
« Reply #24 on: September 03, 2011, 04:54:36 pm »
  HEY GUYS I AM BACK!!!! :dance:

 well it kinda looks like it was a flaw in Windows XP pro sp3 as after my last post in the middel of doing somthin the whole operating system took a dump and would not boot back up just kept reseting over and over. so I reformated the HD put on my copy of XP pro sp2 and all is well just got off the server, and now I am doing the dance of joy!! :laugh:

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Re: Now I am mad
« Reply #25 on: September 03, 2011, 07:34:30 pm »
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Re: Now I am mad
« Reply #26 on: September 07, 2011, 12:40:49 pm »
As far as i know, and its actually the reason i always run only service pack 2,..MS removed the classical audio  support,  with service pack 3 and several other game related things i forgot.

SAy it loud with ,me,.. SERVICE PACK 3 is BS....,...;)

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Re: Now I am mad
« Reply #27 on: September 17, 2011, 01:10:41 pm »
Ok. Is the forge down? I am getting the firewall message. My AV is off windows and AV firewall are open and I have gone DMZ and got no where.
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Re: Now I am mad
« Reply #28 on: September 20, 2011, 02:44:30 pm »
I had done a fresh install and needed the directory server update. Wasn't that a part of OP 4.0?
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Re: Now I am mad
« Reply #29 on: September 20, 2011, 04:08:01 pm »
thats odd, I though it was in there too. I'm glad you got it fixed though.

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Re: Now I am mad
« Reply #30 on: September 20, 2011, 05:00:19 pm »
Thanks. It was in 4.0 as I don't recall ever having to run the directory update in the last few years. I guess it was missed in 4.1 which the forge is having it's first run with.
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