Topic: If you could have a new Stargate series what would you want?  (Read 2147 times)

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Offline Nemesis

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I could list several options but will just state 1:

Follow the ships.  Have the new series parallel the old one in time starting with the first ship launched.  Some episodes could even overlap SG-1 events showing things that SG-1 didn't see as they  were unaware of the actions of the ships until later. 
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Offline Sirgod

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Re: If you could have a new Stargate series what would you want?
« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2011, 02:54:41 am »
Hmm, interesting question.

Off the top of my mind, The easy answer would be to advance the story a few hundred years and go from there.

So I'll go with the hard version of Time play. Take a party of Ancient men and women, who manage to escape from slavery, through the gate, and follow there adventures as they try and stay a step ahead of the Go'ald. Almost a sliders approach, but without the techno jargon. Sure they could meet up with friendly alien races, but they would still be primitive Humans.

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Offline EschelonOfJudgemnt

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Re: If you could have a new Stargate series what would you want?
« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2011, 03:30:53 am »

More silly interactions.  Some of Richard Dean Anderson's lines in the SG1 series really cracked me up at times, as well as how irreverantly they treated the material at times.

I'm specifically thinking of an episode where SG1 gets captured (again), and O'Neal is cracking wise as usual...
Jonas: So what now?
Teal'c: We wait.
Jonas: Shouldn't we be trying to escape?
O'Neill: Oddly? No. Won't be long.
Jonas: Before what?
O'Neill: Oh, some overdressed, over-the-top bad guy floats in, gloating about whatever evil fate awaits us. ... Wait for it. {The door opens}. See?

Other than that, well the ship thing has been done (Universe), the Colony/Station thing (Atlantis), and the first contact team thing was done to death in SG1.  The ever escalating bad guys syndrome persists in this series: in Star Trek, Klingons gave way to more grouchy Romulans, who were supplanted by the Borg... In SG1, the Replicators were scarier than the Goa'uld, then they brought in Anubis as a bigger and better Goa'uld, then those guys weren't tough enough so the Ori appeared...

Maybe a 'brave new world' thing, where Stargate Command is establishing a colony/base somewhere that ISN'T cut off, but the world holds many secrets?  And other races/powers also are interested, and are setting up colonies of their own on this world?  Maybe...

A whole new direction would be nice, one where the Stargates are used occasionally perhaps?

I'm guessing that SGU is the death knell of the Stargate franchise, though, seeing it was cancelled.  And the movies, while interesting, aren't going to resurrect the series.

I'm a huge fan of the Asgard, too bad they were killed off...

Definitely an interesting thought problem, seeing there are 17 seasons or so of Stargate shows in the bag currently...

Sirgod's idea has some merit I think.

Offline Starfox1701

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Re: If you could have a new Stargate series what would you want?
« Reply #3 on: June 22, 2011, 06:28:07 am »
It might just be time to let the show rest. Keepong somthing in continus production places a bad kins of pressure on the universe that ultamatly leades to bad store dicisions. It happened with trek too. Remeber the travisty that was Enterprise. Store gold and they mined it for poo. Same thing with Universe. Too much its been done befor and not enough real original content.

Offline Lono

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Re: If you could have a new Stargate series what would you want?
« Reply #4 on: June 22, 2011, 11:32:06 am »
I'd like the SGU universe to be explored more - it was cut short right when the writers had established enough foundation to present some Really interesting stories imho.

Short of that, however, I think finding a terminated ancient gate project that went into alternate/parallel universes a. la. sliders - could be very interesting indeed.

I always loved the old school pen and paper RPG Fringeworthy - from the early 80's - that allowed stargates to sometimes be either/or to give the "dungeonmaster" quite a lot of room to create interesting scenarios.

It also had a backstory with a "thing" like biologically morphing servant race who had become corrupted when exposed to a universe with a particularly malevolent intelligence - which allowed for a "who goes there" type of underlying tension in all worlds/scenarios explored.

If they were to do such a show - it would be a good idea to have unintended consequnces come back to bite/help them like Sliders explored to a small degree.

I think this would also make an excellent persistant world videogame - and I hope one day - if no one else does - I can help create a free to play Fringeworthy pc game - where real, extensive, easy to use dungeonmaster tools to create playable worlds exist - and where such worlds could be traded amongst all game players - along with several official scenarios also available at launch.

(player characters skills and experience and equipment would persist across all scenarios played)

« Last Edit: June 22, 2011, 04:54:12 pm by Lono »

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Re: If you could have a new Stargate series what would you want?
« Reply #5 on: June 22, 2011, 02:46:53 pm »
Here's my idea. An SG team goes on a mission to planet P?????. While there, the come across an Ancient Lab. While examining the lab, the team activates a transportation device that sents them, en masse, to another galaxy. They then find out that the only way home is with an Ancient "Key" that will reactivate the system on their end. Another team joins them only to find out that theyre stranded as well. The problem is that the lab they arrive at has been raided over the millenia by other races and the "Key" is no longer there. They team up with another group of people from a technologically advanced race that has been virtually wiped out by wars with other races in the galaxy on a planet that is almost uninhabitable. Where is the Key and is it even still in that galaxy?

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