See, this is what I Must politely disagree with, my friend.
The show set up that Premise, and kept with it, which is Grossly Inaccurate, and a slam on the Military we do have. It was honest only to itself, but not the Real World Military , who do in fact care about civilians. Who do treat them better than themselves in many cases. It's like saying the sky will always be purple, than filming nothing but purple skies, while not as insulting to the real world blue sky, it is still a falsehood.
Now granted , I am biased after my time in the Corp, and it is possible I am reading something in there that isn't. But I just now , in the real world, the military would have tried to help the guy get his son back, They wouldn't have made agreements on do this first and then you can do that. They would have just added it to the mission list. Hollywood and TV both have a long tradition though of portraying the military in a negative light, and It's just my opinion I saw some of that here. But to be honest, it's such a minor nit pick I prb. shouldn't have even brought it up.
Anyways, life experiences will always bias how we look at things , and This is a good example of that, between myself, and my friend TAnimaL.
Besides, I'm getting old and just like to bitch about things, and If I didn't like it, I wouldn't bitch about it at all.
