Actually i didn't talk about magic, i meant scientific findings in that regard.
Its done by an university over here,they worked on one of the many basic attributes of water we don't understand.
To summarize up what they found. A water droplet put on a small glass plate for microscopic uses,will after drying leave a pattern on the glass you can make visible by using a dark field microscope.
Now assume you got one source of water and a class off students,let us say the source is a bottle of evian or distilled water.
Each student is issued a new sterile pipete they all soak a bit water from the evian or distilled bottle and make a dot on their glass plate. and let it dry.
Under the microscope they all will show a unique pattern,it was found that it was possible to pass that pattern along to the water container if touched by a given student.
ANother observation:
i saw photos of the changed pattern as one of the students made a dot before and after visiting a dentist and exposition to radiation. The before pattern was a clearly defined ring like structure,after exposition the pattern was broken and blurry, the pattern regained it s shape after a few hours.
I got a possible mechanism for this to work in mind but that would lead to far now.
There are working devices used in industry and certain professions to "up" their water.
The bakery's found that they need lesser baking soda,less flour if they used that uped water, the bread is tasting better reaches more volume etc.
Reducing costs.
Other example was a factory that had trouble with corrosion of the pipes in their plant, after trying everything else they got so desperate to try that approach and their problems were gone.
in certain professions this is not loudly declared ,but just accepted and used for pure capitalistic reasons.
It works doesn't matter why.
Another interesting ability of water would be the one the university of Vienna is experimenting with.
They found, if you take two glass containers fill them to 80% with water then put and anode in one the counterpart in the other and connect that to a high voltage power source.
Now carefully push the two containers closer together,. incrementally at one point the water starts to behave almost like liquid helium or a bose einstein condensate,it starts crawling up the wall of the side of the container closest to the power source .
This is happening in both containers the very moment they reach the rim the water starts building a bridge between both containers even if there is still a air gap of like 5 millmeters.
if you pull then both containers apart the bridge will stay and stretch.
I saw one about 4-5 centimeters wide .
After like 25 to 30ty second the bridge will collapse and the process is not repeatable with the used water for a while.
No one has a theory yet how this works.
But from the looks of it,it reminded me on the water probe in the movie abyss,just the humming sound was missing in the movie.
THese are clearly ground work phenomena,and got to be approached like in the old days. And not wiped away.
I would recommend to dig deeper into that topic.
Both topics should be findable on the net if searched with the right terms,while concentrating on hits with a university reference in them.
There is no such thing as magic, just phenomena we don't understand and lack of oversight if it comes to concepts like chance or randomness.