Topic: So, Nightmare from last night  (Read 1741 times)

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Offline Lieutenant_Q

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So, Nightmare from last night
« on: June 07, 2011, 12:43:32 pm »
Ordinarily I wouldn't have posted this at all, but this is now the third time I've had this particular nightmare.  Each time I get a little further into it before waking.

I find myself on Epsilon IX, in a lower communications room flirting with a lady that shares the room with me.  This time around I got into details about what we were flirting about: I was heading to Wrigley's Pleasure Planet tomorrow for shore leave, and she was giving me a hard time about it.  I insisted that I wasn't going there for the women, she waves me off with a whatever shrug, picks up an earpiece (which I now recognized as the same kind of earpiece the alien in Voyage Home was using during the initial probe encounter with Earth) and starts talking into it, "This is Epsilon IX calling USS Columbia..."  My attention to her trails off as I notice that the drone I was controlling has intercepted a Klingon communication.  I pull up the list of communication codes that we have on file for the Klingons and quickly realize that they are using a code that I have on file, entering the decryption algorithm and activating the universal translator, I start to listen in.  Realizing its important I forward the communication to Ops, and move my drone closer to investigate.  She settles in over my shoulder, and starts breathing on my ear, but that's the most notice I take of her.  As soon as I get close enough to see the battle my perspective changes.  All I can see is what's on my screen, and I no longer have any control over it.  (at this point all I can hear are the special effects and Jerry Goldsmith's score of the battle too)

A zoomed out view of the cloud, the lights flashing as it launches, not a ball of plasma but, a solid projectile sorta like a rail gun.  The projectile whizzes past and skewers one of the Klingon Cruisers, it travels along the length of the cruiser, essentially breaking it in half.  My perspective shifts to the interior of the Klingon ship, where Klingons (in modern makeup, not the TMP makeup)  Are frantically trying to keep themselves from being sucked into space, blood is flying everywhere.  The view goes back out as the Klingon's core breaches and the ship disintegrates.

The camera jerks (ala BSG) to the front end of the remaining Klingon ship, where I see the helmsmen through the WINDOW!  :'( in a cockpit in front of the commander.  I hear in English, "We've seen enough, Helm prepare for Warp Speed."  "Warp Speed, Aye."  The view goes into the bridge where Mark Lenard (in the TMP makeup) leans forward as the tactical screen alerts him to an incoming fire.

Back outside the projectile whizzes past.


Camera snaps around and zooms in tight on the rear of the Klingon Ship (where there's now three torpedo launchers instead of one, the center one starts to glow as it prepares to fire)


Torpedo leaps from the launcher, explodes as it hits the projectile, slow motion explosion, projectile emerges from the explosion unharmed, and skewers that ship, with the same blood and gore from the first ship, before it explodes from its own core breach.

I Woke up.

I think what bothered me the most about it this time was the Klingon ships, I could see them clear as day, and while they vaguely resembled the K't'ingas, they looked like they had been JJized.  That and the silly shaky camera movement.  So overdone. 

Honestly, the JJprise doesn't bother me too much, with two exceptions, both of them from a practical standpoint rather than a design standpoint.  1. the Window.  Really?  You want for someone to be able to just stare into your bridge?  2. the Main deflector, it sticks out too much, while it doesn't bother me a whole lot from the aesthetic standpoint, it bothers me that it restricts the firing arc of the Torpedo Launcher.
"Your mighty GDI forces have been emasculated, and you yourself are a killer of children.  Now of course it's not true.  But the world only believes what the media tells them to believe.  And I tell the media what to believe, its really quite simple." - Kane (Joe Kucan) Command & Conquer Tiberium Dawn (1995)

Offline Starfox1701

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Re: So, Nightmare from last night
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2011, 02:52:16 pm »
While not an expert in dream interpitatiion It sounds like to me that you have a problem in you personal or proffetional life and that wheather you have addmitted it to yourself subconciously you feel as though you are fighting a losing battle against an implacable foe. It appears that you feel unable to take action because you believe subcouncously that any action will lead to horendous defeat. Asumming I am correct you may not be totally aware of this internal conflict but you should be able to locate the souce as it will also be causing you some level of anxiety. I can not advice on a specific course of action without considerably more information but there are a few general considerations to keep in mind.

1 Taking no action is by default an action to to and so will likly resualt in the defeat you subconciouly fear.

2 Not all defeats are failures but all failres are defeats. You must understand that life is one onging experiance. Any defeat in life need not stop us in our track if we learn the lessons the experiance was tring to teach us and redirect ouselves towards a new goal or twords the same goal down another better suited path. Only when a defeat totaly halts all progress does failure set in. This is a distinction that many people have trouble making because it nit how we taught to think about these things.

All of this assumes I'm right based on the info you have provided. Hope it helps but you milage may vary ;D

Offline Lieutenant_Q

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Re: So, Nightmare from last night
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2011, 03:18:01 pm »
hmm.. not sure.  I suppose it would help if I knew what woke me up today.  The first two times I was woken during this dream I know exactly what it was.  In November my alarm went off, it was time for work.

August scared the hell out of me.  I woke up not being able to feel my heart beat.  I was clawing frantically for my neck trying to find my pulse, when I realized I wasn't breathing either, I forced myself to take a breath and everything returned to normal.  Today, nothing woke me up.  I just woke up, and laid in bed for a few minutes.  Also probably why I remember it so much more vividly than the other two times.  The problem with dreams is if your not woken during them, you never remember them, so who knows how many times I've actually seen this particular one.  Its just odd that I would get the same one that I had ten months ago, and then seven months ago.
"Your mighty GDI forces have been emasculated, and you yourself are a killer of children.  Now of course it's not true.  But the world only believes what the media tells them to believe.  And I tell the media what to believe, its really quite simple." - Kane (Joe Kucan) Command & Conquer Tiberium Dawn (1995)

Offline Andromeda

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Re: So, Nightmare from last night
« Reply #3 on: June 08, 2011, 11:21:25 am »
I think I'll go with 'sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.'  Unless you're around me.
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