Topic: Abandoned fawn?  (Read 1973 times)

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Abandoned fawn?
« on: June 10, 2011, 07:33:58 pm »
After supper tonight while patrolling the property for all terrain vehicle yahoos, I accidentally scared a doe away from her freshly delivered fawn. They were pretty close to the house, right behind the garden. The fawn tried to get up and follow her but could not. As soon as I realised it was a fawn not on its feet and I had just scared its mother away I retreated back into the house immediately in the hopes the doe would return.

I have been watching out the window and mother deer is not back yet. I am unsure what to do. I know there are coyotes around here though they rarely come near the roads. A tasty morsel such as a freshly delivered fawn may bring them out though.

Any thoughts? Should I just hope for the best and check in the morning? Should I call someone? I don't know what to do. :-\  I'm thinking my best bet is to do nothing, but it is upsetting.

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Re: Abandoned fawn?
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2011, 08:49:05 pm »
Usually the mother will return. But it may help to call some kind of wildlife program. I'm not sure what the equivalency would be In Canada, but here we would just make a call to the state wildlife agency, and they will direct the matter.

Now if It where me, and mind you this becomes a full time job, Try a salt lick out near the fawn, to try and coax the mother back. If worse comes to worse, They can be hand fed, and nurtured. Just break out the baby bottles, and do a search for proper milk and feed for an infant.

As far as Coyotes, kill every one of em you see. They are as bad as boars when it comes to a farmer/Ranchers business and livestock. They can destroy more land faster, than a republican Bulldozer in South America.

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Re: Abandoned fawn?
« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2011, 06:07:57 am »
Well, no sign of baby or a kill this morning, so she must have come back.  :) Thanks for the tips Sirgod, I knew you'd have some thoughts on the matter.

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Re: Abandoned fawn?
« Reply #3 on: June 11, 2011, 02:50:34 pm »
Anytime Buddy. Always happy to help man.

LOL, My favorite story about this, is when we had a hunter here in Oklahoma poaching bear, and the wildlife service brought me a cub to watch while they found it a proper home. That was fun, Me and all My Bostons, and then a Dang Bear all curling up at night to sleep. 

I'm not a PETA nut or anything like that, But I tell ya, I trust and enjoy more animals than I do People at times brother. (Current population on our server excluded of course.)

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Re: Abandoned fawn?
« Reply #4 on: June 11, 2011, 06:20:48 pm »
Anytime Buddy. Always happy to help man.

LOL, My favorite story about this, is when we had a hunter here in Oklahoma poaching bear, and the wildlife service brought me a cub to watch while they found it a proper home. That was fun, Me and all My Bostons, and then a Dang Bear all curling up at night to sleep. 

I'm not a PETA nut or anything like that, But I tell ya, I trust and enjoy more animals than I do People at times brother. (Current population on our server excluded of course.)


Don't have to be a PETA nut to respect animals.  Heck, most hunters (the ones I know) respect animals.  Taking care of a cub would be top on my list if I had a place to do it, and it was needed.  My hunting I do is done for animal husbandry reasons, not just for a kill.  It is deeper then that, but that is another story.

Glad to hear the doe came back for the fawn, figured she would be back to check on it around nightfall (protection), instincts of the fawn would have it bed down and wait.
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