a new study states that a star's age can be determined by examining it rotation rate. very interesting concept. the technical paper is here:
http://arxiv.org/abs/1104.2912cray super computers (remember them!) has unveiled their new GPU based super computer and the stats are pretty amazing. basically it is a blade design but in a smaller form factor of a video card. very impressive and may give everyone cray envy like in the 80's and 90's! read about it here:
http://www.hpcwire.com/hpcwire/2011-05-24/cray_unveils_its_first_gpu_supercomputer.htmlfinally a story about fractals and real world application. now this story appeals to me for two reasons, fractals and it is university of oregon (go oregon!!!) now when i look at fractals, i see god. you may laugh but i really do see the influence of the great spirit when i look at fractals. true beauty and complexity using math, how can it not be beautiful. basically this story deals with how researchers are using a fractal design for artificial eyes and their connection to the optic nerve. they are using the fractal based connector to more successfully connect the artificial eEye to the optic nerve. fascinating stuff here. read about it here: