and those attack ships, off Orion's shoulder, that'll happen by 2017? It's been a few years since I've been in LA, but have they started work on the giant building yet? The flying cars, too; how they coming along?
I shan't go on a rant but this is where my real ire for Ridley Scott takes full bloom. I can't help but see BR as something elevated way beyond what it really is - a bad pastiche of film noir cliches coated with a thin veneer of sci fi elements, assembled somewhat ably by an art director who made commercials.
I may abstain from voting in this one; can't vote BR, and altho Highlander is ripping fun, I don't see it as scifi.

ps The quote above from BR confirmed to me what I had suspected - Rutger Hauer is a great actor (he ad-libbed those lines). The rest of the movie made me think, "huh, maybe Harrison Ford isn't such a great actor after all."