Ok...I'll be the Terminator basher here.....everyone keeps poking Alien..
the base plot of Alien is "a motley crew responds to a remote distress signal in outer space, only to find an alien species hell bent on destroying them and using there body's as a host mechanism for hatching the brood....
1. Ripley, the heroin fighting against all odds to survive a single monstrous beastie..ie.. the / A Brood (Solder)
2. the bad guy....A single Brood
3. the other pest....face huggers..
4. the other other pest...annoying mechanics....
5. the nuisance......the twitchy A2 android....
the base plot of Terminator "a time travel story involving a dystopian , computer-ruled future and an unstoppable cyborg killer" (thanks TAnimaL) hell bent on killing everyone in the phone book with the same name because it's logical...trying to save it's computer "mother" in the future, by killing the mother of the hero in the future Mr John Connor, in the past.
1. Sarah Connor, the heroin fighting against all odds to survive an unstoppable cyborg killer...no real fighting..she ran a lot.
2. the bad guy....The Terminator, cool futuristic cyborg we've seen a million times, cyborgs are over rated....
3. the other pest.....stupid cops......(read as "the red shirts is TOS")..lol I crack myself up..
4. the other pest's big brother.....the police chief....
5. the nuisance.....the Doctor....lame......
I have been reading the post and some of you are trying to compare the T-101 to the A2..why......that's not the movie, it's not the plot...in no way is it even a real comparison...so stop that..
Others have stated that an original movie based in space with aliens, androids, planets and such.. makes the "sci fi" part feel like it's just window dressing...
whereas running around Los Angeles on foot, out running cops, crashing cars, beating up bikers and cutting out an eyeball is real Sci-Fi? hummm reality check there...
the real character here is the Brood...sure it is a bug but a perfect killing bug "machine" the android said so..
The terminator...it rolled of an assembly line..it is a machine...a futuristic machine...like a car or hoverboard

it is an action movie, yes!! not really Sci-Fi...sorta like westworld, futureworld, cyborg cops, and back to the future...not really Sci-Fi..
but to each his or her own I guess.....SirGod should have started the action poll, horror poll, comedy poll, etc..etc..
and here I thought this was the Scf-Fi poll hehehe..
Oh...and how do you connect Heavy Metal to Alien???? if that's what you think, does Terminator = Wizards?
or Robocop = LOTR?? hummm...