Does anyone have/know of any that work with SFC2 E@W?
Fighter scale or friget? Poly makes a diff and ive seen bolth in a mod for freelancer. They are convertable But they are old 2002/3 models not accurate or look really good ect ect .
Ahhh. but if they're okay with conversion over there, they can be ported and the textures beefed up. Unless you were up to doing am accurate Gunstar... 
Just teasing... I know that you're not wanting to work on things right now. 
Land bases be astroids

The models are semi close to canon but if you wish to partner up a SFC orignal release i am willing to try if its a true partnership as i need crit help, ref pics and help with creation of quality textures.
Thats one i dont own or have on dvr. But the one ship cant be the end, must do the 3 models that is needed for a sfc mod slot. Gunstar , the enemy fighters , enemy cruiser/carrier. To make 4 Gunstar carrier if needed

. Pm me .