Topic: Is it too late to be a noob?  (Read 11541 times)

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Offline Magnum357

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Re: Is it too late to be a noob?
« Reply #20 on: April 27, 2011, 07:11:31 pm »
I would like to respond that SFC1 is still a superb game, its just EAW and SFC: OP are basically an upgraded version of SFC1 that most people don't bother or don't know much about SFC1 and usually play OP in my experience.  I like the campaign setup in SFC1 a little more then in OP, but there are a few features in OP that make that game as close as your going to get to a computerized version of SFB (at least for now).  If you like SFB, you can choose SFC1, EAW, or OP and will not be disappointed.

SFC3 is ok.  As stated above, it doesn't have near the tactical richness of SFB, but for an average Star Trek game, its ok.  In my opinion, SFC3 MUST be modded however.  The stock version of SFC3 is just plain lacking of any substance.  I remember back a few years ago, you hardly saw any Dynaverses with Stock SFC3 servers.  Almost all where modded to some degree.  One of its strong points for tactical complexity was its cloak rules.  In SFB, cloaked ships can be tracked, in SFC3 they can't.  If you cloak, you really are "hidden" but you are vulnerable to weapons fire if you get a lock on.  This was probably the best feature out of the whole game, which had a variety of different tactics compared to SFB.  One feature however that made the game kinda "cheesy" was the ability to warp during tacitcal combat.  You could use it to perform the "Picard Manuever" if you wanted, but because you loose your sheilds and you can't fire back very well, using your warp engines during tactical combat was somewhat useless.  It really was only useful to escape then an offensive tactic.  Nevertheless, many players and newbies heavily abused this feature and it was somewhat rediculas to play multiplayer games, most SFC players prefer the older SFC titles.   

One question I have though, does anyone still use Gamespy?  It looked like a gutted wreak last I checked with Windows XP.
"I sure am glad I like SFB!" - Magnum357 (me)

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Re: Is it too late to be a noob?
« Reply #21 on: April 27, 2011, 09:45:28 pm »
It's settled - I'm getting OP now and EAW later.  I have a friend that wants to learn it too, so we are going to learn it together (he's halfway around the world).

Thanks for all the input.

Offline Trasd

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Re: Is it too late to be a noob?
« Reply #22 on: April 28, 2011, 07:38:10 am »
Hey Folks,

Hope you don't mind if I pick your brains some more...  I've downloaded and installed OP, it actually looks a lot like SFC 1.  I do like the SFC 1 tutorials better though, because George Takei talks you through them.

Now it's time for more noob questions.

Quote from: knightstorm
The only feature of EAW which is not in OP out of the box is the storyline campaign which can be added to it.  ...  As for mods, the standard mod everyone uses is OP+ 4.0.

  • Which files from the download list (reproduced below) constitute ALL of OP+ 4.0 and should I go for the one with models?
  • Are there any other files you would recommend from the download list (I've already done the version upgrade)?
  • Is the campaign knightstorm refers to (in quote above) in this list?
  • Can the game be changed to different screen resolutions than what is in setup?

SFC OP download list reproduced for convenience:
  • FireSouls OP+ Refit ShipList (no models)
  • FireSoul's OP+ Refit ShipList/Mod Project
  • XenoCorp HARDCORE OP Plus 4.0
  • Dynaverse.Net Client D2 Patch Installer
  • SFB OP 04
  • LB5 Shiplist
  • Mod Chooser
  • Model Viewer
  • Ship Editor
  • Sector Assult
  • Map Editor
  • Server Kit
  • 2550-2552 Patch
  • 2500-2552 Patch
  • EXE 2550
  • Ship List 2550
  • Fighter List 2550

I really appreciate everyone taking the time to help me, I could figure all this out myself eventually, but you are saving me loads of time and trouble!

Offline 762_XC

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Re: Is it too late to be a noob?
« Reply #23 on: April 28, 2011, 10:25:44 am »
  • FireSouls OP+ Refit ShipList (no models)
-The only reason you would go for the no models one would be to save on disk space. If this is not a concern, go ahead and get the models.
  • FireSoul's OP+ Refit ShipList/Mod Project
  • XenoCorp HARDCORE OP Plus 4.0
-This is an XC version of the OP+ shiplist we use for MP games. It has some of the cheesier ships (tugs, HDW's) removed.
  • Dynaverse.Net Client D2 Patch Installer
-This remaps the location of the D2 directory servers. It is mandatory if you ever want to play Dynaverse.
  • SFB OP 04
-This I believe is FireSoul's single internals mod?
  • LB5 Shiplist
-Ignore this. It's a shiplist for an old campaign.
  • Mod Chooser
-An optional but handy tool for switching between mods. You probably won't need it right away.
  • Model Viewer
-Used by modelers.
  • Ship Editor
-An optional but handy tool for making your own ships. Excel also works.
  • Sector Assult
-A multiplayer scenario you might want to try at some point.
  • Map Editor
-Self explanatory, and optional.
  • Server Kit
-Only needed if you intend to host a D2 server.
  • 2550-2552 Patch
-Mandatory. The most current patch.
  • 2500-2552 Patch
-These can be skipped. They are backup copies of files from a patch ago.
  • EXE 2550
  • Ship List 2550
  • Fighter List 2550

Fleet Vice Admiral 762
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Offline Trasd

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Re: Is it too late to be a noob?
« Reply #24 on: April 28, 2011, 12:06:33 pm »
Thanks 762_XC!

I also found the Campaigns in question when I used the FTP.

XenoCorp HARDCORE OP Plus 4.0 - do I install this on top of the ship list of the OP+ 4.0 package, or is this the package?  I do apologize for the OP+ 4.0 questions, but this is the only part I'm not sure about - about exactly which files are needed.

One last question for now: for the Mod Chooser, you say I won't need it right away, but I notice the author recommends this be installed BEFORE any mods (or, as he puts it, he recommends a clean install).  Even though I won't need it right away, wouldn't it make sense to install it now (I only have OP and the latest patch installed, no Mods yet, unless some come with the patch)?

I really appreciate the help, the time, and the effort everyone is giving me.
« Last Edit: April 28, 2011, 12:40:59 pm by Trasd »

Offline ShadowDiver

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Re: Is it too late to be a noob?
« Reply #25 on: April 28, 2011, 12:53:20 pm »

Glad to see your asking so many questions!!! it never hurts to learn a new gaming system :)

To add to all of the other guys, LISTEN to them their the hardcore guys who created this site and they KNOW brother...

now for your question, no one really plays the Hardcore version, so I would shy away from it for now till you learn a little more.. :).
the Mod chooser is for flipping back and forth between different Mods, again just stick with Firesouls OP+ 4.0 for now, that's the one almost everyone is playing now.

as I stated in another post this is what you need to do to play on gameranger at (

I would like to invite you to try gameranger at ( it is a small download and install about 112kb.

Spider or myself would be happy to show you the ropes :) SCF-OP is very much alive and active...
there are a few thing you need to do to your game to get it to run...

in this order please.

1. Install SFC-OP fresh, (ie.. no mods, upgrades or changes to the game format.)

2. Install the patch that is correct for you. ((either 2550-2552 or the 2500-2552 patch, your version can be found on the lower right hand corner on the main start up screen. in either case those patch's can be found here at (

3. you will need to install a mod to the game called Firesouls OP+4.0 refit..this is basically a list that has all of the original SFB ships in it and everyone is using it. that download can be found in the same location, ( you can use either models or no-models, but the new ships look killer. :)

4. Another download you will need later on will be Sector Assault 1.1, it has a bunch of new maps and allows for a new playing style. also from the same location.

5. Add to that is a download called Coop-Ace 4.0, it is located here ( it allows for large scale combat utilizing team structure and strategic planing. allowing you to learn how to fly in formation with team-mates.

6. Download setup-EzINI, located here ( it is a small program that allows you to modify you resolution and hides you information in a multiplayer game.

7. if your planing on ever playing on the dynavers, well thats a new set of downloads :) I will talk about that later.

next,  if you will just look at ( and download the talk app on the right and sign up it will help let us know when your on-line and ready to play, plus we can chat and call each other for free..

there is also team speak 3 and team speak 2 both are VoIP interfaces...

good luck and I will be killing you soon!   :coolsmiley:


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Re: Is it too late to be a noob?
« Reply #26 on: April 28, 2011, 12:57:27 pm »
Those of us in XC will play with the XC Hardcore a lot, but you can get it, as its switchable with the OP+4 as needed, so doesnt hurt to have.
Starfleet Headquarters out.

Fleet Commodore, XenoCorp, ISC Fleet.

Offline ShadowDiver

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Re: Is it too late to be a noob?
« Reply #27 on: April 28, 2011, 01:07:24 pm »
ok....what he said..  :D

Offline Trasd

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Re: Is it too late to be a noob?
« Reply #28 on: April 28, 2011, 02:44:59 pm »
OK, now it begins to make sense.

Remember, I am not just new to SFC, but to multiplayer games in general.  Also, I never played SFB.  This is what I understand:
  • Different groups play on different servers, like persistent worlds - each has it's own standards of basic required mods and such (this is more or less what the Mod Chooser is for - to switch between different servers)
  • Dynaverse is the/a hardcore group, folks that don't like the bull and gets down to brass tacks
  • I can go ahead and load OP+ 4.0 (HARDCORE), play on Dynaverse, and basically get my butt kicked - on a regular basis
  • I can load the required files for both gameranger and Dynaverse and use Mod Chooser to play both (not at the same time, of course)

If my logic is sound:

I think I need to learn the basics before I even think of trying the hardcore approach, especially since I haven't played the game much in the ten years I've owned it (see my opening post).  I don't want to get discouraged - if the AI in SFC I kicked my butt, I know the hardcore group certainly will.

Planning for the future, I will load the Mod Chooser before I think about loading anything else, for now I will not load the XC Hardcore.  I want to start slow and learn the game.

ShadowDiver - I will take you up on your offer, thank you.  Give me a little while to run through the tutorials and learn the basics of the system.  I will contact you when I am ready.

I'm looking forward to being a hardcore SFCer in ten years time!  LOL


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Re: Is it too late to be a noob?
« Reply #29 on: April 28, 2011, 03:18:57 pm »
OK, now it begins to make sense.

Remember, I am not just new to SFC, but to multiplayer games in general.  Also, I never played SFB.  This is what I understand:
  • Different groups play on different servers, like persistent worlds - each has it's own standards of basic required mods and such (this is more or less what the Mod Chooser is for - to switch between different servers)
  • Dynaverse is the/a hardcore group, folks that don't like the bull and gets down to brass tacks
  • I can go ahead and load OP+ 4.0 (HARDCORE), play on Dynaverse, and basically get my butt kicked - on a regular basis
  • I can load the required files for both gameranger and Dynaverse and use Mod Chooser to play both (not at the same time, of course)

If my logic is sound:

I think I need to learn the basics before I even think of trying the hardcore approach, especially since I haven't played the game much in the ten years I've owned it (see my opening post).  I don't want to get discouraged - if the AI in SFC I kicked my butt, I know the hardcore group certainly will.

Planning for the future, I will load the Mod Chooser before I think about loading anything else, for now I will not load the XC Hardcore.  I want to start slow and learn the game.

ShadowDiver - I will take you up on your offer, thank you.  Give me a little while to run through the tutorials and learn the basics of the system.  I will contact you when I am ready.

I'm looking forward to being a hardcore SFCer in ten years time!  LOL
Mostly, you'll find most perfer sep. installs which is perfectly fine as well
Dynaverse MP each is separate per server so each will have their own 'custom' shiplist, such as SlaveGirl server to a LB server, nearly all have the basics up to OP+4 always though
Majority playing on dynaverse will be more expert yea, but of course new players are welcomed! In intense servers if your not cozy with Player vs. Player risk, then just you'd just stay out of the front line battle hexes, but can easily help by reinforcing sectors behind them or provide support some other way equally as important. ATM only the Forge and Strayys tavern are up which are lower-activity servers so you'd need not worry, definetly recommend IP games in between to help learn new stuff!
Starfleet Headquarters out.

Fleet Commodore, XenoCorp, ISC Fleet.

Offline 762_XC

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Re: Is it too late to be a noob?
« Reply #30 on: April 28, 2011, 03:45:26 pm »
A brief history of the Dynaverse. Dynaverse is more or less inactive at this point, mainly due to the Vista issue.

When SFC2 was first released (or I should say when the D2 was finally patched in), there were any number of persistent servers out there, some with a healthy population, others less so. The problem with out-of-the-box D2 was that it was mainly a single could run co-op missions or run PvP missions, but these did not significantly impact the campaign, at least any more than running solo missions did. In the early days of D2 it was actually a prudent strategy to avoid PvP and co-op, as it was less efficient in "hex flipping" (changing the map to your color) than solo missions were.

In later years, as the population dwindled and the casual players moved on, the campaigns began to take on a different color and shape. People lost interest in the persistent servers, so certain enterprising folks instead started hosting limited campaigns, with specific rules and objectives, and often custom shiplists (e.g. the LitterBox 5 shiplist you saw on the download list). These would run typically 2-4 weeks (I think the longest was 6) and would have rules that encouraged PvP and other fun stuff.

This style of campaign proved very popular with those who remained (who were generally the more dedicated players). Many folks' fondest memories of SFC gaming come from some of the epic D2 campaigns - like Storm Season 2, The General War series, the Slave Girls series, Litterbox, Attack of the Kitties, and others.

Unfortunately the Vista issue proved a fatal one. Anyone not running XP or a dual-boot config cannot play Dynaverse - at least for now.

Throughout all this, match-style games remained popular - originally done on MPlayer, then GameSpy, and now I guess Gameranger. IP direct-connect games also work.

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Re: Is it too late to be a noob?
« Reply #31 on: April 28, 2011, 04:12:38 pm »
I'm soo glad to see there's still new users coming in to visit from time to time. ;)

-- FS

Author: OP+ Mod
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Offline ShadowDiver

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Re: Is it too late to be a noob?
« Reply #32 on: April 28, 2011, 05:20:50 pm »
See... I told ya' these are a great bunch of guys....and a mountain of information to boot!

when ya get it installed and have 2/3 hours to blow off an e-mail to me to let me know your ready..
I STRONGLY recomend that you us some form of VoIP (voice over internet protocol) I use all 3 myself - Teamspeas3, Teamspeak2 and Google Talk....

Google Talk is the easyest to start off with, so I would recommend that....please just remember I'm just trying to make this as simple as I can because not to long from now your going to be in the thick of it  :D.. and trust me it can get as complicated as you want it to be!

your new and so was I at one point, so I have no problem holding your hand thru these first few steps...come play and enjoy.  :)

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Re: Is it too late to be a noob?
« Reply #33 on: April 28, 2011, 05:34:28 pm »
This is a good refresh for me as well - thx everybody!

I had to wipe my last install - so I look forward to getting this running again this weekend!


Offline Trasd

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Re: Is it too late to be a noob?
« Reply #34 on: April 28, 2011, 11:49:51 pm »
Quote from: ShadowDiver
I STRONGLY recomend that you us some form of VoIP (voice over internet protocol) I use all 3 myself - Teamspeas3, Teamspeak2 and Google Talk....

Don't worry, my typing is so bad I wouldn't think of playing a game without it.

Oh, and BTW, I finally got my marines over to the Klingon ship and successfully captured it!  I realize this is no big deal to most of you, but hey, I'm happy about it - it's a major milestone for me. :woot:

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Re: Is it too late to be a noob?
« Reply #35 on: April 29, 2011, 08:25:06 pm »
No because I am still new at it compared to these Veterans.They don't give you any breaks on the Dyna even with big boats.

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Re: Is it too late to be a noob?
« Reply #36 on: April 29, 2011, 08:39:58 pm »
No because I am still new at it compared to these Veterans.They don't give you any breaks on the Dyna even with big boats.

Some of us don't use the "Big Boats" so if you have one by choice against my CA/CL/DD/FF you already have a "break". 
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Re: Is it too late to be a noob?
« Reply #37 on: April 29, 2011, 11:06:15 pm »
No because I am still new at it compared to these Veterans.They don't give you any breaks on the Dyna even with big boats.

Some of us don't use the "Big Boats" so if you have one by choice against my CA/CL/DD/FF you already have a "break". 

... a break in the hull (they just don't know you did it right yet)! :angel:

But in all seriousness:

I don't play on any of the MP servers, have not in ages; when I did MP it was either with close friends on a specific mission, or when "randomly matched" my opponent(s) would quit out of sheer frustration... because of this, and the later Vista/7 issues, I never went back.


When you finally get into SFC 1's single player campaigns, let us know; I've recently been rediscovering those myself. 11+ years ago I considered myself a master of the SP campaigns, and while I sometimes can't find my keys 30 seconds after I set them down, I do remember what to do (or where to find on the internet what to do that I had written 10-11 years ago) for a majority of the SP campaign missions... Like was described before, just let us know where you are stumped and we will try to accomodate you as best as we can.

In SFC 2:EAW and :OP I am less proficient in SP than many others here, but again when you get to a stump point (you will at least once, we all have!) just let us know and we'll walk you through.

10 years ago you made a very wise investment.

And to answer the question on release dates:
SFC1: 31 Jul 99
SFC2:EAW: 20 Dec 00
SFC2:OP: 01 Jul 01
SFC3: 2002
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Re: Is it too late to be a noob?
« Reply #38 on: April 30, 2011, 01:17:37 am »
When you finally get into SFC 1's single player campaigns, let us know; I've recently been rediscovering those myself. 11+ years ago I considered myself a master of the SP campaigns, and while I sometimes can't find my keys 30 seconds after I set them down, I do remember what to do (or where to find on the internet what to do that I had written 10-11 years ago) for a majority of the SP campaign missions... Like was described before, just let us know where you are stumped and we will try to accomodate you as best as we can.

This makes me want to play SFC1 again. I loved the SP campaign missions so much but never played much beyond the Klink and Romulan ones (as awesome as the SFC1 campaigns are, they can be *tricky*). Do you have a favorite empire campaign for SFC1?

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Re: Is it too late to be a noob?
« Reply #39 on: April 30, 2011, 12:17:34 pm »
I was always partial to the Federation campaign. The mission Playing... er, Dancing With Myself was quite tricky.
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