Topic: EAW Utilities...  (Read 2236 times)

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Offline ShadowDiver

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EAW Utilities...
« on: April 22, 2011, 08:07:11 pm »

Question #1.....I'm just wondering will Coopace 4.0 and Sector Assault 1.1 work with EAW? or do I need to download and install Coopace 3.2 from ( ) and Sector Assault 0.9 from the same location?

Question #2.....After downloading and unzipping ( ) I noticed that their already installed....was that part of the initial 2.0.36 patch? if not which new missions should I get?

Question #3.....Will / do I need to download and install ( ) or can I pass this one up?

Yes..... I know everyone is working on the new EAW, and that OP is the way to go, but I'm a stickler for the old stuff... :smitten:

Offline Capt Jeff

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Re: EAW Utilities...
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2011, 06:26:10 am »
#1... not sure.   I'd go with the older ones since they mention EAW.

#2... I believe bonus missions were included in a patch...

#3... You do need to update the directory server address.  Not sure if the OP one will install correctly into EAW.  You might need to update the address manually.

Sorry for not being sure, hopefully someone better in "the know"  will come along and give you more concrete answers.
Capt Jeff

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Re: EAW Utilities...
« Reply #2 on: April 26, 2011, 07:33:31 am »
The directory server updater works for both OP and EAW. (Thanks Firesoul and NSIS!)