Shadow Diver, regretfully, I don't think I can meet your request . . . not for a couple weeks anyway. I do not have G-Max installed and the one thing my new High-end laptop won't do is save a video file (I really need to get it looked at). I made them all in milkshape. I can give you a few general hints. Make a cube, than make each of the six sides a separate group. Then, when you apply a separate texture to each, use the map from top, bottom, right side, etc. command depending on which side you are on. If your texture seems backwards or rotated, rotate the mapping about the center. What I would recommend is picking one of the cubes I provided, and re-assign the textures to new ones. That is all that I did to make the 21 or so backgrounds. I made one, and then copied it as another file and chose different textures. If you want to make your own textures, you could use the ones I provided as a template. They should be pretty consistently numbered.