yeah, that the "BPV formula is ultra top secret" has been mentioned time and time again throughout SFB history. Of course, with so many ships out there to compare against, a few minutes with a Master Ship Chart and a calculator could get at least get you in the ballpark. I've always thoought there should be a footnote to published BPVs, "your mileage may vary."

I'd bet too that SVC doesn't come by here too often, since he says he's never played any of these games, but when you start a thread with the words "SFB rules" and "caculating BPV," that'll catch someone at ADB's attention.
This thread has lead me to a (SFC) game question:
The annex I mentioned above has a list of different ships systems individual BPVs for SFB SSDs, like a APR costs 2, or a Impulse Engine is 3. It has the costs for each weapon and how much they are modified by arcs. Say, a Ph-1 costs 2 pts for a FA (120 degree)arc, and if it's increased to a 180 degree arc, that adds 25%, so it costs 2.5 pts. In SFC:EAW and OP, if you open up the shiplist in Excel, column "FY" has an entry for "weapons BPV" that very closely matches the values from this annex. (Although as to why the shiplist's weapons BPV is calculated to 6 decimal points, I have no clue.) So, my question is;
does the program utilize these number in game balance (i.e. a multiplayer script) or in assigning damage to/from? Whenever I've modified a ship using ShipEdit, that number refelects any weapons changes I've made. Example - I took a R-ROC and modified it into a "Battlestar," changing phaser arrangements and torpedo types, and the the weapons BPV number increased. Did ShipEdit do that or did the game engine?
Wait, that's two questions. Damn.
Anyways, I was curious about that entry on the shiplist, especially since it so closely matches the established SFB costs of weapons, and wondered if anyone else has any info on it.