Topic: =/\= FBI document CONFIRMS roswell UFO!!! navy using laser defense soon  (Read 2434 times)

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Offline stoneyface

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yes, i know this is huge! i was shocked to read this article today. it seems that an old memo in the FBI "archive" has confirmed the UFO at roswell and 3 "aliens" in the craft. all i can say is "wow!" if true, this will change everything... read the articles here:

also exciting is the news that the navy will soon have onboard laser defense systems in place. a solid state laser disabled a craft in testing. great stuff. read about it here:
BlackOps agent for XenoCorp...

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Offline knightstorm

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It really doesn't confirm anything we didn't already know.  Personally, I think Roswell was some sort of rocket test gone wrong.

Offline Brush Wolf

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I think the real (rocket test or ufo) information was buried so deep it will likely never come out.
I am alright, it is the world that is wrong.

Offline Corbomite

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That memo isn't new. It's surfaced before.

Offline Czar Mohab

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Whether we prove or disprove something that may or may not have happened isn't really the point, I think. Personally, I don't know what really happened at Roswell. I don't even have a guess beyond "something". Then again, that isn't really the point, either.

I feel that we want there to have been aliens found on Earth, we almost need it... The question "Are we alone?" needs to be answered, and it is those three simple words that have put men into space and on the moon, allowed us to peer into the unknown, and sparked the creative imaginations of people like Roddenberry, Asimov, Clarke, Bradbury, and Niven (to name but a few) and alowed us a glimpse of what might be out there.

Three words make it so people want there to have been something alien found somewhere in the world, almost to the point of reaching religious fanatacism. Yet, believers in UFOs and believers in <insert applicable religious icon here> share one thing in common: faith.

Did aliens land at Roswell? Maybe. Are we alone? Again, maybe. Be an aweful waste of space if we were. Ultimately, I believe that we are not alone, and that we have been visited by "guests" a one point, at least. I don't need documents or rumors or anything else except what i already have. Faith.

Faith manages.
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