Topic: Ideas on a low power/HTPC system.  (Read 1571 times)

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Offline Javora

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Ideas on a low power/HTPC system.
« on: March 15, 2011, 11:14:18 pm »
Hey all, I was thinking about building a system around a ASUS E35M1-M PRO for basic web function, older games (nothing newer than BF2/Guild Wars) with a WinXP install.  The thing is that when I priced out the other parts I need, the total comes to around $542.15 USD.  Figuring I am also going to need Ram, Hard Drive, System Case and Power Supply.  At this price point it seems like I'd be better off buying a lap top and not worrying about a HTPC system.  I'm also not sure how easy it is to install WinXP on a system with EFI Bios.  If I were to build a high end system box I know I'd be spending about three times that amount, something I don't want to do right now, but at the same time I want to replace this old noisy system I've been running for years.  I also want to use a low power system as a HTPC or a server box at some point.

I think the question I have is if a system like this worth the price or not?

Here are the other components I priced out:
8GB Ram
1TB Hard Drive
System Case
Power Supply

Offline Javora

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Re: Ideas on a low power/HTPC system.
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2011, 09:06:05 am »
I'm reading on the web that WinXP itself will install but motherboard drivers for Ethernet and ATI Video will not work.  So it looks like I would have to spend an extra $100 for Win7.  I'm thinking a laptop might be better deal at this point.  I could use external hard drives to manage a home server at the end of the laptops useful day to day life.  Or for that matter tuck the laptop in the cabinet under the TV to play Blu-Ray disks or stream video on-line to the TV.

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Re: Ideas on a low power/HTPC system.
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2011, 11:29:25 am »
The way I see it you have two options:

1) Have the fun of building yourself and get a high-end result, but this is not cheaper anymore like it was back in the day... usually costs more now, but you can get exactly what you want.

2) Buy pre-made and $ave. I find nowadays that pre-made systems are often of more than sufficient quality and performance.

If I were in the HTPC market I'd be tempted to buy pre-made from someone like:

I have no experience with their products, but one of their ads in a magazine caught my eye. Looks like pretty slick gear.

Hmm, after a look at their shop, the prices are not so cheap - kinda high-end. The price of your selected parts is comparable to similar discussions:

Maybe it is still cheaper to build your own.

In the area of HTPC applications I'd stay away from a laptop as a solution, for lifetime reasons (lack of cooling, built to self-destruct, planned obsolescence, etc...).

An interesting article on the subject:
that is where I landed.

ASRock and Zotac seem to be the names in this no-mans-land market. (I'm tempted to start looking at building and selling these rigs myself.) In a dream, I am the proprietor of my own futuretech audiophile shop...  ;D

The Zotac ZBOX-AD03BR-U appears to sell for under $500 and the ASRock Vision 3D 137B appears to sell for under $1000.