Some quick and dirty advice on how to get custom ships into your SFC:EAW
First, do a search of these boards, 'cause I'm sure that it's beens asked before, and what I know I probably learned it here!
There are a number of sites where you can find models, but the biggest is Battleclinic - - and the descroption will tell you whether they're for SFC1, 2, 3...
in the games "Assets" folder, in a folder named "Specs" there are some files, "shiplist.txt" (for ships) and "ftrlist.txt" (for fighter) (WAIT, STOP - backup these files someplace safe first!) If open these in Excel (you backed them up, right?) and scroll along the columns, you'll find that each ship points to a model in (duh) model folder in "Assets." You can edit this entry (after you backed up, right? Right?) to get the model to use another model you've d/loaded and placed in the model folder. After saving (as a tab delineated txt file), you'll see that ship use your new model in EAW (as long as the model is for SFC1, EAW, or OP).
Oh, almost forgot. If you have made an altered shiplist or ftrlist, you also have to save a copy to a folder called "MetaAssets" in the SFC II root folder. Needs to be in both - the game randomly pulls the ship/ftrlist from either folder, IIRC.
I've replaced the "3rd Gen" Romulan ships with various BSG models in my SFC:OP game by a slightly different method, which I started describing here[it's a WIP for now, but this ship replacement method I suggest (in the "ship model changes" part of my page )works for both EAW & OP]
Do a little research, elkhartgreg. It's not that hard to accomplish (after all, I managed it) and it can make a great game even better