Topic: Where to Buy All  (Read 3194 times)

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Offline JamesJB40

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Where to Buy All
« on: March 13, 2011, 01:44:01 am »
I hope this is ok here.

Star Trek Command Games? ive been looking for about a month now and im just going crazy :( i found a few places but i will not pay $200.00 or even $50.00 for them there not new games anymore :(

I wouldn't be looking but i had someone stole a bin of my games (really teed me off :(   ).

So that means im missing;

Starfleet Command 3
Starfleet Academy
Star Trek Armada 1 and 2
Diablo 2 plus expansion also Diablo 1
Independence War 2
Quake 1 and 2 plus Expansions
Dungeon Siege 2
Baulders Gate 1
Command and Conquer  ( all of them )
Privateer 2 The Darkening
Wing Commander (all of them)  scratch WC 4  i still have that.
Elder Scrolls 4 Oblivion Box version plus addons (i have the legal digital copy though)
Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne
X: Beyond The Frontier
X 2: The Threat

Plus many many more  :(

Please someone help me find the Starfleet Command Games :(

Thank you in advance for any help.

« Last Edit: March 14, 2011, 12:05:41 am by JamesJB40 »

Offline Bonk

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Re: Where to Buy All
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2011, 08:44:03 am »
Well, you just happen to be in luck with respect to SFC EAW and OP. For a token donation you will be provided access to a valid download, key and future patches here. Can't help you with SFC1 or SFC3 though. (at least for now)

Offline JamesJB40

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Re: Where to Buy All
« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2011, 10:47:28 pm »
Well, you just happen to be in luck with respect to SFC EAW and OP. For a token donation you will be provided access to a valid download, key and future patches here. Can't help you with SFC1 or SFC3 though. (at least for now)

Cool thank you. will they  still be there at the beginning of next month? if so cool. Im so glad this site exsists.  :)

Btw i found SFC 1,Baulders Gate 2 and Klingon Academy,i guess when going thru my bins i passed them doh.
Hope yas do get SFC 3 sooner or later  :)

Curious are the others hard to find also? i mainly dedicated my efforts the last month looking for the SFC series so im not sure if they are.

P.S. when i press "listen to the letters" it don't play the wav file right away i have to click the direct link in the little window that pops up. not sure if its normal or not.

Offline JamesJB40

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Re: Where to Buy All
« Reply #3 on: March 13, 2011, 11:38:24 pm »
Heya i just brought SFC Empires at War and Orion Pirates from yas :) thank you.

This is depressing :( ,i just remembered 2 other games;

Star Trek Armada and Star Trek Armada 2

Can yas tell i like Star Trek games yet?  lol

Curious,i never had Bridge Commander how is it? is it worth trying to find? will it work on Vista Home Premium?

Offline Czar Mohab

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Re: Where to Buy All
« Reply #4 on: March 14, 2011, 12:47:32 am »
Cool thank you. will they  still be there at the beginning of next month? if so cool. Im so glad this site exsists.  :)

You, me, and many many others. Probably not those selling discs for $50-$200. Or those that paid that much. Well, maybe. This place is still pretty awesome!

Don't forget to check out the downloads page while you are here.

Curious,i never had Bridge Commander how is it? is it worth trying to find? will it work on Vista Home Premium?

I haven't played that in ages, preferring KA instead, but it was fairly decent. I would think that you'd like it based on your choice of trek games so far. As for worth trying to find - if there was a demo version out there or if you knew someone that you could borrow off of first - then you could better decide. I haven't looked, but I am fairly sure its up in price like you've seen for SFC.

Also - make sure you wander the forums a bit. We have an awesome team of modders with literally gigabites of goodies available.

Make sure you swing over to the KA forums ( and get yourself the xp/vista/7 graphics fix (if you haven't already) and the DVD kit. This way you won't have to worry as much if you can't find your discs, and its more better in vista/7. Basically - you can play it again without needing a win98 PC ;)

Kinda feel a tiny bit traitorous cross linking like that - but they love KA over there almost as much as we love SFC over here. Almost.
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Offline JamesJB40

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Re: Where to Buy All
« Reply #5 on: March 14, 2011, 01:40:50 am »
Thanks for the links and stuff.

Can ya believe the ones selling SFC games,some of them are crazy enough to expect ya to pay $200 just for 1 game? thats just crazy lol. $50 i would kinda understand but not $200 for only 1.

Man i really hope i can find the other games that got stolen.Hopefully i can find them online somewhere. I really liked Diablo 2 and the LOD expansion i also miss IWAR 2 and SFC 3 :(

Offline EschelonOfJudgemnt

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Re: Where to Buy All
« Reply #6 on: March 14, 2011, 01:58:06 am »
Found a digital download for Independence War II for ya:

Also, Baldur's Gate (Complete):

You may want to use Impulse's search function to see if some of the other games on your list are available through them.  You can also check with Steam as well...

Diablo II is still available through Blizzard amonst other places:

Offline JamesJB40

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Re: Where to Buy All
« Reply #7 on: March 14, 2011, 02:07:17 am »
Awesome thank you.

Curious,is there any mods or utilites to make SFC 2 EAW to work in Vista? i'm having no luck  :(

Offline Bonk

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Re: Where to Buy All
« Reply #8 on: March 14, 2011, 07:14:21 am »
Everything but the Dynaverse works in Vista, but there is a trick or two:

Do not install to "Program Files" (Vista/7 virtualises this folder and old applications need to write back to their own files).

So, create a folder something like C:\SFC\...  then install SFC products under that folder. (this way files can be written)

To install, run setup.exe from the CD as admin.

Once installed, edit the shortcuts to point to Starfleet2.exe. (this will allow you to enter the CD Key when prompted) Make sure the "Start in" value is correct. Then you should be good.

Also run the 2002-2036 patch as admin. (Oh and disable Norton or McAfee for the duration of the install and patching process or it will not work)

There is no patch to do this. I hope to convince Frey to allow us to rebuild the EAW and OP installers at some point, but that is low priority right now, though really, it is second on my list after a Vista Dynaverse fix, for as long as they are not corrected, I will be answering this question over and over and over... ;)