Nice been a long time since I read that book 
I started the thread my final models with 2001 work i will end it with the same
KF sorry my post to you I am an ass, here is my thoughts in a pic.
I didnt want to say no or anything but i already modeled it 
Nice! It is always great to see more non-fed ships being built. I agree with FoaS thugh about the Romulanized look. It looks like Wiicked Zombie's Sparrowhawk textures would fit nicely. I could see this as part of the K-R ship exchange too.
Keep those ships coming!
My thoughts go far from that.
This is part of my story I am sure most will hate. Spelling sucks shut up!

draft of thoughts so sucks agian.
The little things that can make CHANGE
A Klingon story by Kreeargh
Era JJ universe
A burst of light!
Then sudenly a large storm coverd the hull of the ship.
Seconds later a huge mass apeared out of no where and smashed in to the fleet of cargo trains behind our ship. "All ships warp now"
was my thoughts. But we did not warp out. I looked out in horror of all the lives that were lost and they have no conflict a Horrable way to die as a Klingon. My faith as a Klingon has changed some what. The Dark mass started to show its evil the shape of it started to change and a few min later the moon the fleet just past was destroyed . Warp out-------
We were lucky 25000+ Klingons lost their lives and the loss of the supplys may end Praxis and Trosus. Not all is lost the lead ships were Krell scaner class destroyers and the data gained changed the universe.?!
More than 200 Klingon starships and over 40 outposts were lost in various conflicts before the starship Kelvin encountered the {Alien} several hundred more before the "Final battle".
Years later the Klingon science councel had created an entire fleet of new warships many designs were baised on the Romulan tech gained from all the battles from the Alien ship to date. War was on! The Final Battle.
The mission: The Final Battle was not what one would expect from the Kingon empire. Capture the ship with the goal to aquire as much info possable. It was the Klingon science counsel's thought ever since the Alien ship showed up. The Klingon science counsel knew the Empire did not have the man power or tech to destroy that ship even if the Empire could advance 100 years in 1 day.
The final battle- Klingons launched the First fleet total 60 ships newly constructed, 6 ships broke down on the voyage, the rest is not accounted for/missing . In total 47 ships. were lost in the "Final Battle".
11 Krell class heavy carriers,6 c7v class carriers,6 bop class frig's ,9 d7 cargo/science cruisers, 3 c7 battle cruisers, 2 d7 missle cruisers, 2 d5 missle cruisers ,3 d6 cargo transports ,2 B10 Kuzar class battleships and 3 B11 Krankor class battleships.
Over 1000 inserts of Klingon troops in the battle of the Alien ship the Klingon empire faithfully gained knollage that will forever change the galaxys!
Alien ship gone , Planet Vulcan destroyed, Klingon Empire quickly overruns the Romulan star empire.
Starfleet rebuilds with war thoughts-----
The Federation is created. ---- Many systems join the federation. Blah Blah Blah?
The JJ future of Klingons Thoughts? anyone?