Interseting looks like you have a reall good outline there. Based on the ships it looks like they ar going to use a more Romulan interpitation of warp dynamics right?
Yep Baised on bolth my crap part of a story and the JJ universe, the Klingons should Rule! But use other tech Romulan and some Federation ect what was in the comp database on the Romulan mineingship.
to gain that rule. The movie says 47 klingon ships lost in one battle. The number of ships lost, No one cant tell me the Klingon empire didnot gain any knollage of that fight. My story is that battle and years before.
The ships I show is part of the info gained to date the lost 47 are these designs. Less than 30 days before the loss of Vulcan in the JJ era universe.
No mater what I model or make a story of none of it will see any light without maping and textures. ??
